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Departmental news

Law School launches IEL Collective

The IEL Collective was launched on Thursday 23 May 2019. It is an initiative started by research centres based at seven law schools around the UK to provide a space for critical reflection on the complex interactions in the growing field of international economic law.

Fri 24 May 2019, 12:36 | Tags: GLOBE Centre, Centre for Human Rights in Practice

New co-edited publication from Dr John Snape

Warwick Law School Associate Professor and GLOBE Member, Dr John Snape, and University of Cambridge Lecturer and fellow of Christ’s College, Dr Dominic de Cogan have, in January 2019, published with Hart their new edited book Landmark Cases in Revenue Law. The book has been recognised as Hart's Book of the Month.

Thu 24 Jan 2019, 08:24 | Tags: GLOBE Centre, Publication

Celine Tan comments on the challenges facing the G20

As the G20 meet in Buenos Aires Dr Celine Tan, Associate Professor at the School of Law, assesses how has the presidency of Argentina focused the summit and what are the challenges they face?
Fri 30 Nov 2018, 14:29 | Tags: GLOBE Centre, Staff in action

Dr Andreas Kokkinis interviewed on the proposed draft withdrawal agreement

On Monday 19 November, Warwick Law’s Dr Andreas Kokkinis was interviewed by Russia Today (RT) on the proposed draft Withdrawal agreement. The interview focused on the criticism PM Theresa May has faced on the current Brexit deal and how some members of parliament are arguing that a new deal should be proposed before the March deadline.

Mon 26 Nov 2018, 08:48 | Tags: GLOBE Centre, PG News, Staff in action

Publication Success for Current PhD

Congratulations to our current PhD student and GLOBE Centre administrator Julie Mansuy on her recent publication. Julie is second author on a co-publication with our former colleague Tomaso Ferrando on ‘The European Action against Food Loss and Waste: Co-Regulation and Collisions on the Way to the Sustainable Development Goals’ which was published on the 6 November 2018 in the Yearbook of European Law.

Tue 13 Nov 2018, 11:12 | Tags: GLOBE Centre, Publication, Alumni, Student Achievement, PG News, PhD

Colleagues provide expert comment on Mozambique Debt

‘No surprise’ that Mozambique is to repay its USD726m debt: Expert Comment.  

Following the news that Mozambique has agreed a deal to restructure its $726 million debt, Dr Stephen Connelly and Dr Celine Tan from Warwick School of Law, who have been working on African debt relief and human rights with a number of partners, have given media comment.

Thu 08 Nov 2018, 14:48 | Tags: GLOBE Centre, Staff in action

Law academic gets mention by parliamentarian

The Australian Shadow Assistant Treasurer, Shadow Minister for Competition and Productivity and former Professor of Economics at the Australian National University (ANU), Dr Andrew Leigh delivered the prestigious Annual Lionel Murphy Lecture to the ANU on 31 October 2018.

The speech ‘Competition Policy and Inequality: Building on Lionel Murphy’s Legacy’ quoted research by Warwick Law School’s very own Kathryn McMahon.

Tue 06 Nov 2018, 14:31 | Tags: GLOBE Centre, Research, Staff in action

Dos and don’ts of Brexit: Dr Andreas Kokkinis examines the future of the UK financial services

We are proud to announce that an article, co-authored by Assistant Professor Dr Andreas Kokkinis alongside Dr Andrea Miglionico from the University of Reading, was published in the prominent Law and Economics Yearly Review this month.

Tue 16 Oct 2018, 12:17 | Tags: GLOBE Centre, Publication, Research, Staff in action

First Warwick business forum explores international business & trade after brexit

Matt Western MP and West Midlands finance and industry leaders joined Dr Stephen Connelly and Dr Andreas Kokkinis from Warwick Law School yesterday at the first University of Warwick Business Forum, a new initiative aiming to connect the University’s experts with the local business community.

Wed 03 Oct 2018, 13:51 | Tags: GLOBE Centre, Impact, Research, Staff in action

Increasing reliance on private finance without adequate safeguards could undermine rather than achieve sustainable development goals, warns Warwick legal expert

The fourth in a new series of briefs bringing current legal thinking to bear on public policy issues has been published by the Law School's GLOBE research centre.

The Risks of Using Blended Finance in Development by Dr Celine Tan explores the contested role of blending public funds with private finance for investments in sustainable development.

Wed 03 Oct 2018, 09:57 | Tags: GLOBE Centre

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