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Departmental news

Hugh Beale presents a report to the Legal Affairs Committee (JURI) of the European Parliament

Hugh Beale has presented a report to the Legal Affairs Committee (JURI) of the European Parliament on two proposed Directives, one on supply of digital content and the other on Online and other distance sales. His report was called “Scope of application and general approach of the new rules for contracts in the digital environment”. To find out more about Hugh Beale click here.

Mon 22 Feb 2016, 15:43 | Tags: International and European Law Cluster, Research

Dallal Stevens - Giving a paper ‘Motivations for forced migration: Is asylum in ‘crisis’

Dalla Stevens will giving a paper ‘Motivations for forced migration: Is asylum in ‘crisis’? at an international conference in Bochum, Germany from 18-20 Feb entitled Why people migrate: Multiple causes, complex reasons and their normative assessment.

Fri 12 Feb 2016, 15:57 | Tags: International and European Law Cluster, Research

Dallal Stevens - Visting Brussels - Crossing the Mediterranean by Boat

Dallal Stevens will be going to Brussels with the Crossing the Mediterranean by Boat team to provide a policy briefing on our preliminary findings for the ESRC-funded project on Tuesday 16 Feb.


For more information click here.

Fri 12 Feb 2016, 15:52 | Tags: International and European Law Cluster, Research

Dr Dallal Stevens to visit Brussels to give a policy briefing 16.02.16 - Crossing the Mediterranean by Boat

Dr Dallal Stevens is visiting Brussels with a cross faculty team to attend a policy briefing session where they will be informing policy makers about their initial findings for the ESRC Grant Crossing the Mediterranean by Boat : Mapping and Documenting Migratory Journey and Experiences. To read more about this exciting project please click here.

Fri 29 Jan 2016, 10:28 | Tags: International and European Law Cluster, Research

Dora Kostakopoulou to speak at Durham European Law Institute Lecture Seminar Series

Dora Kostakopoulou is to speak at the Durham European Law Institute's lunchtime seminar series. Dora's seminar, titled 'When Tomorrow is Yesterday: the Manufacturing of an EU Referendum', will take place on Tuesday 8 December at the University of Durham.

Tom Flynn featured on TV and radio discussing constitutional issues raised by the vote in the House of Lords

Tom Flynn has recently featured on TV and radio discussing the constitutional issues raised by the vote in the House of Lords.

Please see below for the links to see Tom's interviews:

BBC News channel

BBC Coventry and Warwickshire

Mon 02 Nov 2015, 14:48 | Tags: International and European Law Cluster, Research

Ben Farrand, Giuliano Castellano, Andi Hoxhaj and Dora Kostakopoulou awarded UACES funding to organise workshop in Spring 2016

Ben Farrand, Giuliano Castellano, Andi Hoxhaj and Dora Kostakopoulou have been awarded funding by the University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) to organise a workshop in Spring 2016. The workshop, titled ‘Crisis and Innovation in the European Union: Beyond Populism and Managerialism’, will be held on 8 April 2016 at the University of Warwick.

The aim of this interdisciplinary workshop is to explore the impact of 'crises', in their material and ideational forms, upon EU institutional and policy-making dynamics. Emphasis will also be put on identifying policy responses focusing upon 'innovation' as a strategy. By bringing together experts working on institutional corruption, financial regulation, intellectual property law and policy and EU free movement, migration and human rights we will explore the EU's identification of the causes and impacts of 'crises', as well as actual and possible responses. In seeking to transcend both populist and managerial discourses and responses, the workshop participants will reflect on the EU's response to increasing numbers of people seeking sanctuary in Europe and the Member States' recalcitrance to a unified response, the EU's actions in financial regulation as well as the Europe 2020 and Justice and Home Affairs 2020 agendas.

Warwick team begins research on refugee and migrant experiences of crossing the Mediterranean

Social scientists from the University of Warwick are carrying out an urgent research project on the current migratory situation in Europe, using emergency funding from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).

Led by Dr Vicki Squire from the Department of Politics and International Studies, the team are speaking to refugees and migrants in an attempt to understand better the journeys they have made across the Mediterranean Sea.

European Law Society Hosts 3rd Warwick German Law Moot

The Warwick European Law Society this week hosted the third annual Warwick German Law Moot, with teams from UCL, Birmingham and Warwick competing.

All teams performed extremely well and did a good job in making their case – in German - with the team from UCL coming first place overall.

Congratulations to all the teams.

Fri 13 Mar 2015, 13:55 | Tags: International and European Law Cluster, undergraduate, moot

Warwick Law School 7th in UK in Quality of Published Research

In the UK Research Excellence Framework results (announced 18 December 2014), Warwick Law School was assessed as coming 6th out of 67 Law Departments in terms of its Research Environment, 7th in terms of the Quality of its Research and 10th overall.

Full details can be found on the REF website.

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