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Physicists experience speed dating!

Eighty four students, including undergraduates and postgraduates, attended a Physics Employer Event which took place on Wednesday May 7th in the PLT concourse. The event assumed a ‘speed dating’ format...

Tue 13 May 2014, 09:13 | Tags: Careers, Faculty of Science

Director of Clinical Physics and Bio Engineering

The advert for the Leadership position in Medical Physics for University Hospitals of Warwickshire and Coventry, in association with University of Warwick is now online. Please click here for more details

Thu 20 Jun 2013, 09:39 | Tags: Careers, Staff and Department

Physics Employer Event Wednesday May 1st 2013

physics employer event 1physics employer event 2

Over one hundred and ninety students and thirteen recruiters attended an employer event for physics students in the PLT concourse on Wednesday, May 1st. The event was planned in response to feedback from students who wanted an event tailored specifically to the needs of physicists.

It was good to see students from all years present, with a particularly encouraging turn out from first years. The Student Careers & Skills Service advocates early career planning, part of which involves understanding the options available – these students will hopefully now have an increased awareness of the type of graduate employers looking to recruit physicists.

There was wide sector representation with employers from the energy sector, finance, software, technology, teaching, meteorology, patent law and medical physics. Several of the recruiters commented on the interest, enthusiasm and potential of many of the students they spoke to during the event. Student feedback was also very positive:-

“…good opportunity to investigate possible career paths…lots of advice and very informative discussions…helpful that it was aimed at physicists rather than a general careers fair…it was the first time I’ve come to a careers event and it was quite eye-opening.”

All of the recruiters expressed an interest in attending similar events in the future and many offered to deliver skills sessions – an effective way to build their profile and foster employer engagement in the department. This can only prove beneficial to the career prospects of physics students by alerting them to a wider range of opportunities.

If you have any comments on the event or any suggestions regarding the type of event you would like to see delivered in the physics department in the future, please email the careers consultant, Ray Ryan (

Mon 13 May 2013, 10:27 | Tags: Careers, Outreach, Public Engagement and Media

The science of staying young

Emeritus Professor George Rowlands, who first came to Warwick in 1966, has clocked up more than six decades of research in theoretical physics - and he believes it’s the challenge of tackling complex scientific problems that has helped keep him young at heart.

Mon 19 Nov 2012, 17:31 | Tags: Press, Postdocs and Researchers, Careers, Staff and Department

Physics PG Careers Evening 2011

5-7pm, Thursday 5th May 2011, Physics Lecture Theatre and Science Concourse, Physics Building

This year's postgraduate careers event will be taking place between 5-7pm on Thursday 5th May in the Physic Lecture Theatre and Science Concourse in the Physics Building.

Event Schedule:

17:00 Introduction
17:05 Karen Reid - CGG Vertias
17:15 Dr Andrew Bushell - Met Office
17.25 Dr Asaf Federman - Job Markets

17:35 Break with refreshments

18:00 Ally Caldecote – Careers in Teaching
18:10 Dr Jenny Wooldridge – National Physical Laboratory (NPL)
18:20 Dr Tim Veal – Careers in Academia

18:30 Nibbles and Mingling
19:00 Close

The information booklet for this event will be available shortly on this page.

If you would like to attend or have any query, please email with the subject: Physics-Careers to
You do not need to reply to attend, this it is merely so we can gauge the numbers and have an appropriate amount of refreshments available.

Wed 20 Apr 2011, 15:38 | Tags: Postgraduates, Careers

Unversity College London - PG Research Open Day - 3rd November 2010

Postgraduate Research Student Open Day 

Wednesday 3 November 2010 from 10am

Places are limited.  For further information and to book a ticket please visit
Thu 14 Oct 2010, 11:56 | Tags: Postgraduates, Undergraduates, Careers

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