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Departmental news

Expert comment: Professor Carsten Maple

Carsten MapleProfessor Carsten Maple of the Cyber Security Centre at WMG/University of Warwick has provided his analysis of the news that repeat offenders of anti-Semitism on social media could be given prevention orders:

This week an All Party Parliamentary Group has suggested that repeat offenders of anti-Semitism on social media should be given prevention orders, as can be used for those convicted of sexual offences.

It is important to recognise that this is a serious issue. The number of reported cases of anti-Semitic content has increased recently, and it is likely a small fraction of the total number of cases. Hate crimes such as this, and other crimes such as cyberstalking, can have a considerable impact on victims and the ubiquitous nature of the Internet can mean there is little escape for victims and can ensure that it pervades all aspects of life, personal and professional. It is important that the law considers the impact a crime can have on the victim.

Tue 10 Feb 2015, 20:30 | Tags: WMG Comments Cyber Security Centre Carsten Maple Research

Crossword signs agreement with the Cyber Security Centre at WMG to explore cryptocurrency commercial opportunities

Crossword CybersecurityCrossword Cybersecurity Plc the GXG Main Quote listed company with ISIN B00BPFJXS57 is to partner with the Cyber Security Centre at WMG, University of Warwick to jointly explore commercial opportunities leveraging cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies.

Professor Tim Watson, Director of the Cyber Security Centre at WMG, University of Warwick and his team have been investigating how distributed blockchain protocols underpinning many of the 530 or more cryptocurrencies in existence, including the best known one Bitcoin, can be leveraged in other ways such as enabling smart contracts. Crossword and the Cyber Security Centre have embarked on a series of workshops and research to identify commercial opportunities that will be jointly developed.

Mon 09 Feb 2015, 14:48 | Tags: Cyber Security Centre Partnerships Research

NCC Group launches Automotive Cyber Security Research Partnership with the University of Warwick

Tim WatsonA research partnership focused on Automotive Cyber Security Research has been set up by global information assurance specialist NCC Group and WMG, at the University of Warwick.

The research partnership will make use of WMG's world-leading expertise in technology innovation, focusing on high-impact research and collaborative security projects with the automotive industry.

NCC Group will sponsor a number of PhD students to carry out their studies, focusing on cutting-edge research in the field of automotive cyber security.

The Group's own automotive specialists will be providing support to the students and actively engaging on the collaborative industry projects.

Most modern cars run software and have embedded systems that are connected to each other, which has made the car a major target for cyber criminals. The potential and realities of 'car hacking' are regularly making the headlines, with the automotive industry currently playing catch up in an attempt to improve the security of the systems that are currently used.

Wed 03 Dec 2014, 09:54 | Tags: Cyber Security Centre Partnerships Research

WMG comments: Web cam hacking

"That Russian websites have hacked cameras comes as no surprise" - Prof Carsten Maple

Prof Carsten Maple, Professor of Cyber Systems Engineering at the Cyber Security Centre at WMG/University of Warwick, has provided expert analysis following the news that Russian websites have hacked cameras and are streaming live video feeds:

"The news that Russian websites have hacked cameras and are streaming live video feeds comes as no surprise. The ability to exploit and remotely access webcams has been around for many years. We live in an increasingly open society where viewing of reality shows is commonplace across the globe and this is an extension of that. Unfortunately, vulnerabilities in systems have allowed people access to your camera that you certainly would not want to have. We need to ensure that users regularly update software and operating systems to ensure that any flaws are patched. Equally it is important that good passwords are used rather than remaining with default settings on computer systems."


Thu 20 Nov 2014, 14:47 | Tags: Cyber Security Centre Research

Yvette Cooper MP visits WMG’s Cyber Security Centre

Professor Lord Bhattacharyya, Chairman of WMG, welcomed Rt Hon Yvette Cooper MP, Shadow Home Secretary, and David Jamieson, West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner to the International Manufacturing Centre on Friday 14th November.

Ms Cooper and Mr Jamieson met with Professor Tim Watson, Director of the WMG Cyber Security Centre, and discussed how current and future technology can help the police to tackle a variety of cybercrimes and what impact this could have on police resources. Professor Watson also highlighted the expertise within the Cyber Security Centre and the work they do to help protect people within the cyber–physical environment. The visit included a simulated hacking incident, which demonstrated the techniques used by cyber criminals and the effects that this type of crime can have on their victims.

Sat 15 Nov 2014, 08:49 | Tags: Cyber Security Centre Visits

National Trustworthy Software Initiative to be based at WMG's Cyber Security Centre

Tim WatsonWMG's Cyber Security Centre at the University of Warwick is to host a million pound programme designed to enhance the cyber security of many of our everyday technologies and tools by ensuring that the software that underpins them is more trustworthy. A team in the UK government funded Trustworthy Software Initiative will work alongside WMG Cyber Security researchers at the University of Warwick over the next two years in a programme to “Make Software Better.”

Professor Tim Watson, the Director of WMG's Cyber Security Centre, welcomed the opportunity to work with and support this crucial programme. He said:

Virtually every aspect of our lives is touched by information technology running a diverse range of software; from the way we listen to music, the phones we carry with us at all times, the vehicles we drive, to the computers that support the information economy. The trend to embed software in everyday items is accelerating. However there are concerns about the quality of the software that underpins all of this, and we have not seen significant improvements.”

Tue 09 Sep 2014, 10:49 | Tags: Cyber Security Centre Partnerships Research

(ISC)² and WMG to hold joint business conference at Warwick

WMG is pleased to announce its hosting of the SecureWarwick 2013 conference, which will be held at the University of Warwick campus on 2nd July 2013. The conference is being organised jointly with (ISC)2 (The International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium) and will focus on the subject of Revolutionary Trends in Technology and their Impact on Security.

Speaking at the conference will be James Morris MP, member of the All Party Group for Homeland Security. Mr Morris came to politics from a business career in computer software and he will be giving the keynote address at the conference.

Other speakers already announced include John Colley, Managing Director of (ISC)2 EMEA, Robin King, CEO of Deep Secure, and Ray Stanton, Executive Vice President of BT Advise.

The SecureWarwick conference aims to bring together practitioners, researchers, industry and government experts and solution providers to explore the scope and nature of the latest technology developments and their impacts on our security. The speakers will endeavour to anticipate the emerging vulnerabilities by offering a glimpse of current experience, exploring innovations coming down the line and outlining the management imperatives for securing the modern business environment.

For more information on the event, visit the (ISC)2 website.

Fri 17 May 2013, 12:39 | Tags: Cyber Security Centre Public engagement

WMG announces major new academic posts

WMG is looking to make a number of key academic appointments across its full range of research activities in Digital Technologies, Materials and Manufacturing and Operations and Business Management, in order to enhance and expand its capabilities in these developing areas.

The new posts cover a range of research, teaching and knowledge transfer activities, working with partners in diverse business sectors such as automotive, aerospace and defence, digital, healthcare, finance, energy and pharmaceuticals.

The Group are currently looking for world class individuals who want to make a real impact in their field. The following roles are available:

Other key academic positions in Cyber Security, Digital Product Lifecycle Management, Hybrid and Electric Vehicles and Nanocomposites will also be announced shortly.

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