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Departmental news

Lord Stafford Award success for add2 and WMG

Technology company add2 Ltd have been awarded a prestigious Lord Stafford Award for work based on a close research relationship with WMG at the University of Warwick.

Midlands based add2 Ltd, won the Innovation Achieved award for their work with JLR and WMG on technology to improve testing techniques which will be vital in the development of robust electrical systems for current and future vehicles e.g. hybrid technology in premium vehicles.

Dr Kerry Kirwan wins premier award from the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

Kerry Kirwan receiving Thorton Medal from Bernie Rickinson CEO of IOM3Dr Kerry Kirwan has been awarded the Thornton Medal which is presented by the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining to a speaker invited to present at either an Institute conference or another specially convened meeting.

Baroness Hanham visits WMG

baroness_hanham_visit_to_vef_160611_sm.jpgOn Thursday 16th June, we were very pleased to host a visit from Baroness Hanham, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State in the Department for Communities and Local Government. The Baroness visited the Low Carbon Vehicle Technology Project which is accelerating the introduction of next generation low carbon vehicles through advances in key technology areas such as batteries, motors and materials.

Baroness Hanham enjoyed detailed discussions with project theme leaders as she walked around project theme demonstrations of some of the key technology advances in the programme. She then enjoyed a roundtable discussion with the team and some the LCVTP partner companies including Claytex, GRM Consulting and Alpha Adhesives, which are actively involved in the project and in implementing its developments.

Should electric cars be made to go 'vroom'?

With whisper-quiet electric cars set to proliferate, the motor industry is under pressure to give them an artificial noise for safety purposes, but should they sound like traditional petrol vehicles? BBC News Magazine discuss the issue with WMG's Professor Paul Jennings.

Researchers help make silent electric vehicles safer but UFO reports could rise…

A little green van called ELVIN is whizzing around the University of Warwick as part of a major researchelvin_graphic.gif project aimed at tackling the safety issues linked to the lack of sound from electric vehicles. However ELVIN (Electric Vehicle with Interactive Noise) faces a risk of being perceived as a little green man rather than as a little green van.

ELVIN will be able to emit many different sounds aimed at alerting pedestrians and other road users that he is nearby. One of the range of sounds being tested is said to invoke memories of early science fiction movies and the researchers will have to be sure it really does alert pedestrians and other road users to oncoming electric vehicles rather than causing them to look skyward for more unearthly vehicles.


Tue 21 Sep 2010, 09:13 | Tags: Experiential Engineering Paul Jennings

£1.3 million programme to engineer better environments for patients and medical staff

Dr Rebecca Cain, Assistant Professor in Experiential Engineering with WMG at the University of Warwick is to lead a £1.3 million programme to literally engineer better environments for patients and medical staff.

She has been awarded a prestigious Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Fellowship through EPSRC’s Challenging Engineering award scheme which is designed to challenge the research leaders of the future to be creative and ambitious in the early stages of their career.

Wed 03 Mar 2010, 17:10 | Tags: Experiential Engineering Rebecca Cain Research

Racing Car Puts Researcher in Pole Position for British Science Association Award

An environmentally friendly racing car has helped propel University of Warwick researcher Dr Kerry Kirwan to the award of a prestigious British Science Association Isambard Kingdom Brunel Award Lecture.

The Award Lectures are coveted prizes for talented communicators with an interesting story to tell about their research. The British Science Association has identified Dr Kirwan as one of the five scientists and engineers who have demonstrated exceptional skills in communicating to non-specialist audiences to give these prestigious lectures at the British Science Festival at the University of Surrey next week.

Formula 3 racing car powered by chocolate and steered by carrots

Researchers at the University of Warwick have today, Tuesday 5th May, unveiled the “WorldFirst Formula 3 racing car” which is powered by chocolate, steered by carrots, has bodywork made from potatoes, and can still do 125mph around corners.

It is the first Formula 3 racing car designed and made from sustainable and renewable materials, putting the world first by effectively managing the planet’s resources.

Warwick IMRC 'Dragons' find winning projects

Warwick Innovative Manufacturing Research Centre, based within WMG at the University of Warwick, is to 3delectronics_group.jpgput forward four innovative research projects for up to £10 million in grant funding.
WIMRC held it’s own ‘Dragons’ Den’ competition in order to identify teams of researchers to present their ideas for funding as Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Centre Grand Challenge projects.
Wed 28 Nov 2007, 12:08 | Tags: Experiential Engineering Research

WMG researcher features in new iCast on 'Soundscapes'


Dr Paul Jennings, lead researcher in the Experiential Engineering Group, and Dr Rebecca Cain, a member of the team, feature in a new iCast produced by the University of Warwick.

Watch the video

Tue 09 Oct 2007, 20:51 | Tags: Experiential Engineering

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