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Uta Rautenberg's blog on Homophobia in the Nazi camps published

Warwick History PhD student, Uta Rautenberg's blog on Homophobia in the Nazi camps, is published by the Wiener Holocaust Library, please see:

Dr Anna Hájková awarded the Orpheus Iris award

Dr Anna Hájková has been awarded the Orpheus Iris award by the International Rainbow Culture Network, details of the award can be seen at:

Fri 01 May 2020, 09:38 | Tags: Impact and Public Engagement Award Research Announcement

AHRC-BBC New Thinking podcast about Religion and Ordinary Lives featuring Dr Naomi Pullin

Dr Naomi Pullin, Assistant Professor in the Department of History at the University of Wawick was involved in a recording for the AHRC-BBC New Thinking podcast about ‘Religion and Ordinary Lives’. This event will be broadcast live via BBC Sounds on BBC Radio 3 on Tuesday 7 April 2020 at 10pm. Further details about the programme can be found here:

Tue 31 Mar 2020, 16:01 | Tags: TV and Radio Impact and Public Engagement Announcement

Dr Anna Hájková on Maria Schmolka in the Observer newspaper 10 November 2019

Tue 12 Nov 2019, 12:21 | Tags: Impact and Public Engagement Publication

PhD research features in BBC HistoryExtra magazine

The Peterloo Massacre took place on 16 August 1819 and is considered a landmark moment in the struggle for democracy in Britain. However, the number of people present at the Massacre may have been “significantly smaller” than previously thought, according to research by History PhD student Dave Steele.

The full article is available on the BBC HistoryExtra website.

Fri 09 Aug 2019, 11:41 | Tags: Impact and Public Engagement, Research, Postgraduate

Professor Mark Knights features on BBC Radio 4's In Our Time to discuss The Gordon Riots

The Gordon Riots

Professor Mark Knights recently joined Melvyn Bragg on BBC Radio 4's In Our Time, to discuss why a Westminster protest against 'Popery' in June 1780 led to widespread rioting across London, lethally suppressed.

The show was originally broadcast on Thursday 2 May, but now available as a podcast on the BBC Radio 4 website.

Fri 03 May 2019, 12:56 | Tags: TV and Radio, Impact and Public Engagement, Expert Comment

Fighting for Empire: From Slavery to Military Service in the West India Regiments

Professor David Lambert will be giving the keynote lecture at the Royal Centre for Defence Medicine's Commonwealth Cultural Day at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham on Thursday 11th October. The title of his lecture is 'Fighting for Empire: From Slavery to Military Service in the West India Regiments'.

RCDM Birmingham 

Thu 11 Oct 2018, 11:13 | Tags: Impact and Public Engagement Lecture Announcement

Professor Rebecca Earle in conversation with Ruby Tandoh

Ruby TandohEat Up

Ruby Tandoh is an author and journalist who’s written for the Observer, Vice and Elle. She’s currently a columnist for the Guardian’s Feast supplement and was a finalist on the 2013 Great British Bake Off. She has published two cookery books, Crumb and Flavour.

Ruby will be at the Talisman Theatre, Kenilworth, at 8pm on the 20th September 2018 (details available online) to talk about her latest book, Eat Up! – a ‘joyous manifesto for flavour and sanity’, which explores everything from gluttons and gourmets in the movies, to the symbolism of food and sex.  which was published in February 2018 and was a Sunday Times best-seller.

Ruby will be speaking in conversation with acclaimed food historian Professor Rebecca Earle of the Warwick University History Department.


Wed 12 Sep 2018, 11:55 | Tags: Media, Impact and Public Engagement

New museum display: Fighting for Empire



A display exploring the history and changing image of Britain's West India Regiments, from their creation at the end of the 18th century up to the First World War, is now open at the Museum of London Docklands. "Fighting for Empire: From Slavery to Military Service in the West India Regiments" has been curated by David Lambert, Professor of History at the University of Warwick. It will run until 9 September 2018. For details:


The display speaks directly to many of the themes in the permanent displays at Docklands, notably enslaved resistance, black agency, and visual representation. The theme is explored primarily through prints, ephemera and maps, as well as a large framed oil painting by Louis William Desanges entitled "The Capture of the Tubabakolong, Gambia 1866", which depicts Private Samuel Hodge of the 4th West India Regiment, who was the first African-Caribbean soldier to be awarded the Victoria Cross. It has been created in partnership with the University of Warwick and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), and draws on research undertaken as part of the 'Africa's Sons Under Arms' research project. For more on the wider research project:


Fri 10 Nov 2017, 08:34 | Tags: Impact and Public Engagement Research Announcement

Warwickshire Symphony Orchestra

The Department of History’s Professor Christoph Mick, a specialist of modern Russian and Eastern European history, is to give a pre-concert talk at the forthcoming concert by the Warwickshire Symphony Orchestra on Saturday 14th October in All Saints Church, Leamington Spa. The orchestra is performing Shostakovich’s masterpiece, Symphony no. 7 in C, the Leningrad. This year marks the 75th anniversary of the Leningrad Symphony’s first performance and the siege of Leningrad it commemorates. After its completion, the initial dedication of the work to Lenin was changed by Shostakovich in favour of the people of Leningrad and it remains one of his most well received compositions. It quickly became very popular in both the Soviet Union and the West as a symbol of resistance to Nazi totalitarianism and militarism. It is still regarded as the major musical testament to the estimated 25 million Soviet citizens who lost their lives in World War 2. Professor Mick’s talk will provide context for the symphony, which was actually composed during the siege, and will help in bringing it to life.


Fri 06 Oct 2017, 19:19 | Tags: Impact and Public Engagement

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