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WMG Comments: End of BOGOFs?

Jan GodsellA recent report by the House of Lords European Union Committee has called for the development of a policy framework, within the EU, aimed at tackling the issue of food waste. One of the key recommendations picked up in the media, was the issue of incentives and promotions such as ‘Buy One, Get One Free’ (known as BOGOF) deals. The report suggested that actions such as BOGOFs can pass food waste on to the consumer and encourage them to buy in larger volumes than required, and has proposed that such tactics should end.

This recommendation has been supported by Professor Jan Godsell, Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Strategy at WMG, who has told the Birmingham Post that BOGOF offers ultimately don’t benefit customers, even though they appear to be good value at the time.

Fri 11 Apr 2014, 15:06 | Tags: Supply Chains WMG Comments Business Transformation

WMG expands its research capacity and expertise

WMG expands capacity and expertiseWMG has continued to progress its ambitious expansion plans announcing the appointment of a number of new major academic posts in several key areas.

WMG continues to attract world class Professors with recent appointments in the areas of steels processing, cyber security, advanced propulsion and structural composites. This builds on the nine appointments made last year in the areas of E-Health Innovation, Nanocomposites, Supply Chain and Operations, Automation Systems, Vehicle Electrification and Energy Storage, Low Carbon Materials, Energy for Low Carbon Vehicles and Digital Manufacturing.

WMG launches a new Business Innovation Group (BIG)

bigblogframe.jpgWMG has launched a new initiative, the Business Innovation Group (BIG), which will act as a channel to focus WMG’s business engagement activity and support organisations who are looking to transform for success in the digital economy.

The Business Innovation Group will engage and work with a wide range of business partners, from start-ups and SMEs, through WMG’s SME Team within IIPSI, to large organisations and policymakers. BIG is led by WMG's Business Transformation research group, but will draw on its access to cutting-edge research and expertise across all of WMG’s research areas to support organisational and economic transformation. Specifically, BIG will help organisations to adapt their products, services and operations to respond to the connected digital economy as well as assist organisations to evolve and implement new business and economic models as technology continues to transform society.

WMG appoints new Professors in E-Health Innovation and Operations and Supply Chain Strategy

WMG at the University of Warwick has appointed two new Professors who will be taking up key roles and leading research in the fields of E-Health Innovation and Operations and Supply Chain Strategy.

Professor Jan Godsell, a specialist in supply chain management, will be Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Strategy within WMG from the 1st October and Professor Theo Arvanitis will be joining WMG in November to lead E-Health Innovation as part of the Institute of Digital Healthcare.

WMG and BAE Systems celebrate 10 years of togetherness

WMG AND BAE SYSTEMS CELEBRATE 10 YEARS OF TOGETHERNESS  WMG and BAE Systems recently celebrated a 10-year partnership that has resulted in significant returns for the defence and aerospace company. The celebration, at the University of Warwick, marked 10 years of developing the procurement arm of BAE Systems. At its inception in 1997, the Procurement Developing You (DY) SEiB Programme was designed to provide the capabilities required over the coming five years and it has evolved continuously in order to address this rolling goal. 
Tue 10 Jul 2007, 14:19 | Tags: Supply Chains

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