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International Conference on Manufacturing Research

The key event in the COMEH calender, the International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR) is an annual event. For over two decades it has been the main manufacturing research conference organized within the UK, successfully bringing researchers, academics and industrialists together to share their knowledge and experiences. Initiated as a National Conference by the Consortium of Manufacturing Engineering Heads (COMEH) it became an International Conference in 2003.
Tue 08 Sep 2009, 10:22 | Tags: Research Manufacturing

Laser treatment transforms MDF producing startling image of rare wood grains

Researchers at WMG at the University of Warwick have devised a way of using a laser that transforms LasercoatMDF giving it a surface finish that looks like some of the most expensive wood grains. The “LaserCoat” research project is a collaborative research effort consisting of eight academic, research and commercial organisations and part-financed by the Technology Strategy Board.

Fri 07 Mar 2008, 15:03 | Tags: Research Manufacturing

WMG and CII sign MoU to further higher education in India

Confederation of Indian Industry and Warwick Manufacturing Group of the University of Warwick today Lord Bhattacharyya shakes hands with Lt Gen (retd) SS Mehta, Director General of CII, accompanied by Prof Nigel Thrift, Vice Chancellor of the University of Warwick on the occasion of the signing of an MoU between CII and WMGsigned a Memorandum of Understanding to continue programmes for training of practicing managers and to develop internship programmes for them. Speaking at a Session titled “Emerging Trends in Higher Education – India as a Knowledge Partner”, organised on the occasion of signing the MoU, the Vice Chancellor, Professor Nigel Thrift, University of Warwick, said: “We have an excellent partnership with CII which has benefited many companies and individuals from manufacturing companies. We are committed to further this university industry collaboration which can become mutually beneficial.”

Tue 09 Oct 2007, 12:10 | Tags: Partnerships Research Manufacturing

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