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Departmental news

Markus Wagner presented his forthcoming paper Regulatory Autonomy under the SPS Agreement

Markus Wagner presented his forthcoming paper Regulatory Autonomy under the SPS Agreement at the 5th Biennial Conference of the Society of International Economic Law. The conference, entitled International Economic Law in a Diverse World took place at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg / South Africa. Professor Wagner was program co-chair of the conference and the program is available here.


Yes, the fight for anti-HIV drugs is a fight against discrimination - Sharifah Sekalala

Sharifah has published an online article titled 'Yes, the fight for anti-HIV drugs is a fight against discrimination', to read the article please click here. 

Paper Publication by Henrique Carvalho and Anatasia Chamberlen (2016), 'Punishment, Justice and Emotions'.

As part of an on-going collaboration, Henrique and Anastasia have recently published a paper titled ‘Punishment, Justice and Emotions’ for the Oxford Handbooks Online in Criminology and Criminal Justice. The article can be accessed on-line on or, alternatively, a PDF of the last approved version can be found at Wrap ( This paper outlines the relationship between emotions and criminal justice and argues that, although punishment has been justified as a rational response to the problem of crime, there are emotional dimensions to its practice and function that relate to broader aspects of social experience.

Thu 19 May 2016, 16:28 | Tags: Paper Publication 2016, Publication, Research