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Olympic-inspired 'Flame of Friendship' comes to Warwick

63 schools - made up of more than 700 schoolchildren and teachers - came together for a colourful and lively parade across Warwick campus earlier this week, inspired by the upcoming Paris Olympics.

Wed 10 Jul 2024, 15:51

Warwick hosts Team GB athletes for Olympic announcement

We welcomed Team GB's climbing athletes to the Sports and Wellness Hub climbing centre for an exclusive photoshoot – it marks the official announcement of the athletes representing Great Britain at the upcoming Olympics.

Wed 10 Jul 2024, 15:51

The New Worlds of the Cosmos

Thursday 25 July
After Professor Stéphane Udry (University of Geneva) receives an honorary PhD award from Warwick, listen as he gives a lecture about the cosmos, aimed at all knowledge levels.

Wed 10 Jul 2024, 15:50

Planning your career progression 

Thursday 25 July 
If you’re a member of Professional Services thinking about your next career move, there’s an internal half-day conference happening later this month that could be perfect for you.

Wed 10 Jul 2024, 15:50

Celebrating 10 years of the RTPs

Wednesday 18 September 
The Research Technology Platform (RTP) department is officially 10 years old! You’re invited to a celebration to mark the occasion, as they showcase how the RTPs have boosted innovation in research and development, at Warwick and beyond.

Wed 10 Jul 2024, 15:49

Butterflies at Warwick

Ever wondered what species of butterfly we have here on campus? Now’s your chance to investigate and find outLink opens in a new window!

Take part in the UK-wide Big Butterfly Count between Friday 12 July and Sunday 4 August – then send in your photos and video clips to by noon on Tuesday 6 August to join the showcase.

Wed 10 Jul 2024, 15:49

Staff message: Student Conservative Association video

A video that appears to show Warwick students singing a Nazi marching song appeared in the national media over the weekend - read our University response and find out how to get support if needed.

Tue 02 Jul 2024, 15:37

Latest update on campus demonstrations: Friday 28 June

We believe that Warwick Stands With Palestine – a coalition of student and staff organisations – are no longer demonstrating on campus and have left the IDL building, which forms part of WMG. From Monday 1 July, restrictions on access to University House will be lifted and the building will be open to all staff and students as usual.

Fri 28 Jun 2024, 14:14

Research Launch at Amnesty's London Headquarters

On 10th July, Professor Heath-Kelly from Politics and International Studies will speak about her research into the 'Counterterrorism Clinical Consultancy Service' at Amnesty's offices in London. Register for hybrid or in-person attendance.

Thu 27 Jun 2024, 12:57

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