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5 questions with: Dan Derricott

Meet Dan Derricott, Director of Education Policy and Quality, and find out more about the benefits for staff of getting involved in the Institutional Teaching and Learning Review.

We take stock of education quality, student support and the student experience at Warwick every five years, and plan ahead for the next five years too, through the Institutional Teaching and Learning Review (ITLR).

Staff and students across our community can get involved in review panels that help our 39 academic and professional service departments to evaluate what they do as part of the review and share great practice across the University.

We spoke to Dan Derricott, Director of Education Policy and QualityLink opens in a new window, to find out more about the benefits you’ll see from taking part.

What have previous volunteers taken away from being part of ITLR?

"Staff who’ve been involved in the ITLR previously tell us how valuable the skills and knowledge they’ve picked up have been in projects and roles they’ve taken on since then. The scale of the ITLR, involving hundreds of colleagues from across Warwick is an experience that is seen as really rewarding and a chance to build your network, broaden your knowledge of good practice, and develop skills that can help in your future career and seeking promotion.

This opportunity only comes around once every five years, so taking part now can pay dividends in the future.

What kind of roles are available?

"Staff can become members of review panels for a department other than their own. Each review panel will have 5-7 people including staff, student and external members. One staff member will take on the role of Panel Chair to lead the review, and two staff members will take on a secretariat role to keep things running smoothly.

We’re looking for academic and professional services staff that really represent the diversity and range of experiences that make up Warwick staff – and that make Warwick what it is. So, there are roles for everyone, regardless of whether you have experience of a previous ITLR. You can read more about the available roles on the ITLR websiteLink opens in a new window.  

What difference will this make to departments, and to student experience? 

"The ITLR is an opportunity to really pause and take stock of where we are now, and where we want to be. The difference it will make can’t be underestimated. It will shape our next Education Strategy and, in turn, teaching and learning at Warwick for the next five to ten years.

I’m working on our Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) submissionLink opens in a new window and the impact of the last ITLR in 2017 is weaved throughout every section!

What support is there for those taking part? 

"My colleagues in Education Policy and Quality (EPQ)Link opens in a new window will support you from beginning to end. We are developing practical guidance on the review panel roles, running training, mixing experienced and newer colleagues on panels, and providing tailored advice as we go.

This complements the support we are providing for teams in departments being reviewed – from self-evaluation workshop to events exploring our three common themes (blended learning, interdisciplinary learning and education for sustainable development).

What’s your own experience of getting involved?  

"I was a student panel member in these sorts of reviews when at university. It led me to become an institutional reviewer for QAA and similar agencies across Europe. I’ve now reviewed 20 universities and national agencies in places like Finland, Serbia, Germany and Kazakhstan. I’m back in Ireland in a few weeks for a follow up visit to their national quality and qualifications body and then in the New Year at Trinity College Dublin. Stepping out of my day-to-day job and thinking through another institution’s context is one of the most useful things I do professionally to keep my thinking fresh. "

If you want to learn more or sign up to join a panel, visit opens in a new window

Bonus Questions

House plants or pets? 

"It’s houseplants right now – named after former Prime Ministers by my partner, Adam – including Disleafi, Palmerston and Attleaf. We’re close to getting a dog as well and have been dog sitting Fred for practice!  

What’s your dream holiday destination? 

"I’m determined to take a good chunk of time away from work at some point to travel around South America. In the meantime, anywhere with sunshine, a picturesque harbour and good beer on tap will do. 

What’s your most-used app? 

"My phone tells me it’s between Outlook and Twitter. 

What’s your favourite place on campus?

"The outdoors bits I don’t get to often enough! Up through Tocil Woods and down past Cryfield Sports Pavilion – with a coffee from my new favourite: Caffè Nero in the Faculty of Arts Building."

Learn more about ITLR

How are students involved?  

Students are involved at every stage of this ITLR. We’ve employed two Student Co-Creation Officers to make sure the student voice has been at the heart of our development of this ITLR.  

Each academic department will have a Student Lead working alongside the staff lead to coordinate and participate in the review of their own department. We’ve also been recruiting Student Panellists to sit on the review panel of a department that isn’t their own. Now that applications for this role have closed, we’re at the stage of selecting our 39 panellists, from a total of over 300 sign-ups.