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Statement from Council of The University of Warwick

The University Council met today, 22 May. Council is the governing body of the University and has a majority of independent members, alongside staff and student members. They discussed the recent campus demonstrations, a petition on the Middle East conflict and the Students’ Union paper on ‘demilitarisation’.

This is a difficult time for members of our community with so many of us having seen and heard about the humanitarian impact of the current conflict in the Middle East.

Since last October, many differing opinions have been expressed. During this time, the University has urged our community to act with kindness and empathy, even when a view is different to their own – this was reinforced by Council in their discussions today.

Council expressed confidence in the policies and procedures that are in place to oversee work we undertake with third parties. This includes a number of committees and processes that involve student representatives and independent experts.

Whilst the University undertakes work with the defence sector, including research supporting the transition to a low carbon and more sustainable world, it does not hold contracts leading to the direct manufacturing or assembly of offensive weaponry or capabilities.

To reinforce Council’s role in ensuring our ethical framework is fit-for-purpose, the following actions were agreed:

  1. A review of the Acceptance and Solicitation of Gifts Policy.
  2. A review of our Socially Responsible Investment Policy (noting we already invest via Charity Responsible Multi-Asset Fund).
  3. A review of our processes and controls for consideration of academic partnerships and research contracts as to reflect the same ethical consideration it takes in its investment and fundraising frameworks.
  4. Members of our Audit and Risk Committee will oversee the review process.

Commenting on the Middle East Conflict
Universities are apolitical organisations, and we pride ourselves on remaining independent and objective. Council does not make political statements or support particular political positions. This stance will be reinforced by the proposed Economic Activities of Public Bodies Bill, which will ban public bodies from ‘imposing direct or indirect boycotts, divestments or sanctions campaigns against foreign countries’. In line with this, the Office for Students has advised universities against making political statements.

Supporting Higher Education in Palestine
The University is proud to be a University of Sanctuary, which supports refugees and asylum-seekers from conflict zones. In the last five years it has supported dozens of students from a range of countries including Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Palestine, and Ukraine.

We participate in the British Council HESPAL scheme that provides scholarships for Palestinian students.

We are also active participants in the Council For At Risk Academics (CARA) scheme for refugee academics. Warwick is working with other universities to discuss how this scheme can help academics in Gaza.

Furthermore, a meeting has taken place with academic advocates for Palestine to open the way for the University to take part in the international efforts for Higher Education in Gaza. This includes helping a University in the West Bank to provide education for displaced students.

Update on the current demonstrations
The University has been managing the demonstrations in line with its legal duty to protect freedom of speech. Any discrimination targeted at an individual or group will not be tolerated as such actions contravene our own regulations and are potentially unlawful. Over the last week some members of University staff have been targeted by masked protestors. Last night members of our Community Safety Team were allegedly assaulted, whilst Warwick Conferences staff and guests felt intimidated. The alleged assaults have been reported to the police. These actions are wholly unacceptable. Our utmost priority is to maintain the safety and security of our campus community and we reiterate that all demonstrations should be lawful.

Wed 22 May 2024, 17:05