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Looking for ways to entertain your children this May half-term?

Book them onto the Warwick Holiday Scheme, for a week of skateboarding, martial arts, craft activities and more – staff booking discount ends on Sunday 12 MayLink opens in a new window.

Wed 24 Apr 2024, 15:04

Why scientists are listening to 'noisy' earthworms

Research from the School of Life Sciences - aided by earthworms! - has found that noisy soil means healthy soil.

Wed 24 Apr 2024, 15:04

‘Music anoraks’ saved vinyl, says new Warwick research

Innovations from diehard vinyl fans in the 1980s and 90s has kept vinyl production alive, according to Warwick Business School findings.

Wed 24 Apr 2024, 15:03

Exploring LGBTQ+ inclusion in our teaching and learning

Thursday 9 May 
How can we apply the Ward-Gale model to make sure our teaching is inclusive of Warwick’s LGBTQ+ community? Find out in this masterclass, hosted by Warwick International Higher Education Academy (WIHEA).

Wed 24 Apr 2024, 15:03

Higher education access and choice in India

Friday 17 May 
Why do young people from the same families and communities in India experience different decision-making processes about higher education because of their gender? Find out at this online event, led by Warwick co-authors.

Wed 24 Apr 2024, 15:03

Discussion: Menopause is an inclusion issue

Wednesday 29 May  
Women over 50 are the fastest-growing segment of the workforce – so how can we as workplaces support them through menopause? Join the Forum for Leaders of Inclusive Cultures (FLIC) for an online discussion.

Wed 24 Apr 2024, 15:02

Higher education in Africa in the era of artificial intelligence (AI)

Monday 3 June 
You’re invited to the annual Distinguished Africa Lecture – join Professor Tshilidzi Marwala, the United Nations University Rector, as he considers Africa’s higher education sector in the era of AI.

Wed 24 Apr 2024, 15:02

Warwick Transformation: A view from Professor Yvette Hutchison 

The Warwick Transformation programme “will make the journey of future researchers clearer, better structured and supported,” says Yvette, who’s the Director of Research and Impact for Warwick’s School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures (SCAPVC).

Wed 24 Apr 2024, 15:01

LEAF: Creating more sustainable labs at Warwick

Laboratory-based research is essential for advancing society - but how can we counteract the high levels of energy and resources it uses? We caught up with a Warwick team of cross-departmental sustainability advocates to find out...

Wed 24 Apr 2024, 15:01

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