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Strategy Network topics: 21 March

Sign up for the next Strategy Network on Thursday 21 March for the latest on Warwick’s values and behaviours, along with the strategy refresh.

Wed 06 Mar 2024, 17:58

Education and Student Experience Strategy: Share your feedback

The 2030 Education and Student Experience Strategy Green Paper is now live – see how to provide your feedback, and come to a co-creation workshop to continue the discussion.  

Wed 06 Mar 2024, 17:57

New joint seed fund with Stellenbosch University

Warwick is launching a joint seed fund with Stellenbosch University in South Africa to enable our academics and professional services colleagues to collaborate on research and education projects.

Wed 06 Mar 2024, 17:56

Welcome Week planning 2024

Read the feedback from last year’s Welcome Week and learn about important changes for 2024, key dates and funding. Register now for our Welcome Conference on Tuesday 19 March.

Wed 06 Mar 2024, 17:56

Car Park 12 temporary closure

Car Park 12 – opposite the Athletics Track - will be closed between Sunday 17 March and Monday 8 April, for resurfacing.

Wed 06 Mar 2024, 17:55

Arctic explorer aims to break world record – with help from Warwick Engineering students

Students have collaborated with Mark Wood to design and create a power system tailored to withstand the harsh Arctic conditions.

Wed 06 Mar 2024, 17:54

Celebrating Cockney culture could 'help fight prejudice'

A new Warwick report from Dr Chris Strelluf (Applied Linguistics) is shaking up perceptions of East End culture.

Wed 06 Mar 2024, 17:53

Informing care improvements for people with precancerous condition of the womb

Dr Naomi Black (Warwick Medical School) wants the findings from the research to be used by gynaecologists and hospital trusts to lead to a higher standard of care.

Wed 06 Mar 2024, 17:53

Use teamwork to erode the glass cliff

Professor Emma Flynn, Provost, shares her opinion on the importance of building strong teams around female leaders in a piece for the Times Higher Education.

Wed 06 Mar 2024, 17:49

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