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Guidance for HODs when considering requests for approval to access campus:

  • In line with our primary strategic priority of protecting welfare, we are seeking to restrict the number of people on campus to the smallest number possible.
  • However - there are some critical and essential activities that must continue. As such, we will have some colleagues who need to remain working on campus, and, at times, we may need to request some colleagues attend campus to carry out specific tasks.
  • Anyone who wishes to attend campus for work purposes must complete the online form explaining what critical activity is required.
  • As a Head of Department, it is your responsibility to assess whether the person has approval to attend campus. Only those individuals who are required for the delivery or support of critical services/functions should be approved.
  • When considering if a task is critical or not, the following guidance might be helpful:
  • Not carrying out the activity could result in additional health or safety consequences that would be more likely than or outweigh the potential for Covid-19 infection
  • Not carrying out the activity could block or delay a strategic government, emergency services or NHS initiative intended to address the management of the spread or treatment of Covid-19
  • Not carrying out the action could result in regulatory action against the institution or contractual/commercial risk to the institution.
  • In all cases - safe working practices must be maintained at all times for the particular business activity. In addition, safety requirements for Covid-19, including social distancing, must be followed here.