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Kate Pearson

Name: Rev’d Kate Pearson

Job title: Anglican Chaplain

Department: Chaplaincy

My job involves…

looking after the spiritual and emotional wellbeing of students and staff.

But during Christmas week…

I look after our student lounge space for students on campus; topping up milk, bread and strawberry jam for snacking; putting out board games and activities and making sure there’s a warm welcome for the many students still on campus over the vacations.

Working during the festive season is unique because…

the campus feels really different; quiet, slow, special. It’s always a time of meeting students and staff I haven’t yet met, with some fantastic conversations.

My most memorable moment from working over Christmas has been…

last year’s New Year’s Day walk turned into a board game extravaganza as we sheltered from stormy weather. Enormous fun across huge cultural diversity.

The most challenging part of working over Christmas is...

not annoying my clergy friends who are all leading a dozen services each and then collapsing at midday on Christmas day by being too bouncy and ‘I have the best job in the Church of England’esque….

People may not realise but…

the Chaplaincy is open on card access every day through the vacation from 9am to 10pm, including all the bank holidays.
