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Warwick Awarded ESRC Doctoral Training Centre

The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) has announced that Warwick is to become an accredited Doctoral Training Centre. Warwick is one of only 21 such centres across the UK and has been granted the third highest allocation of studentships awarded to a single University.

Funding for 27 studentships each year, for the next five years, means that Warwick will be able to examine the potential for opening up advanced training to address gaps in local and national provision. This will serve to enhance the University's international reputation for social science research at the highest level in areas such as economics, new technology, innovation and skills, and human behaviour, health and well-being.

The University will also look at ways of developing collaboration with government, business and industry to ensure that the research has direct relevance to current social and economic issues with the aim of informing and shaping future policy or industry recommendations.

With the first studentships due to start in October this year, the University is delighted with its newest accreditation.

Professor Jacqueline Labbe, Chair of the Board of Graduate Studies, noted:

"This is an excellent opportunity to showcase our capacity and expertise for internationally-recognised research and training in the social sciences and we are very grateful to the ESRC for awarding us one of the highest studentship allocations."