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Interdisciplinary Research event at the Shard

On Friday 15 May, the Institute of Advanced Study launched its first annual symposium at the Warwick Business School London campus, The Shard.

Themed around “The Future of Interdisciplinary Research”, the event provided an opportunity to view the innovative interdisciplinary research being undertaken at Warwick and to learn more about how interdisciplinary research is fast changing academic research and careers.

The symposium commenced with a panel discussion on “The Future of Interdisciplinary Research”, chaired by Professor Stuart Croft Provost, and with invited speakers Professor Rick Rylance (Chief Executive, Arts and Humanities Research Council), Mr Peter Churchill (Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Belgium), Professor Sarah Churchwell (Professor of America Literature and Public Understanding of the Humanities, University of East Anglia), and Professor Jane Elliott (Chief Executive, Economic and Social Research Council).

During the course of the afternoon there was an opportunity to hear how the IAS facilitates the transition from PhD to postdoctoral researcher, and current IAS Fellows showcased their interdisciplinary projects in an exhibition display. Projects funded by the IAS, including the Exchanges journal, Voices of the University oral history project, and innovative public engagement projects, also featured in interactive exhibitions throughout the day. The afternoon concluded with a keynote lecture delivered by Professor Martin Hairer (Regius Professor, Department of Mathematics, and winner of the Fields Medal 2014).

The event also saw the launch of the IAS’s annual report 2015. The report has been distributed to departments around campus, and copies can also be obtained by contacting ias at warwick dot ac dot uk.