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Meet our inspiring Engineering students

“Engineering is about pushing yourself” – INWED 2023

To mark International Women in Engineering Day (INWED), we spoke to two of Warwick’s Engineering students – Mahbubah Durojaiye and Marieta Kysela – to find out more about their experiences of studying Engineering at Warwick.  

What drew you to Engineering at Warwick?

Mahbubah: I actually originally wanted to study Computer Science, but after attending the Warwick offer-holder day and seeing the Engineering facilities available for students to bring their ideas to life, I knew that was what I wanted to do – and that Warwick would be the place to do it. I swapped to Engineering and never looked back!

Marieta: I wanted to study Engineering at Warwick because it had a unique option of choosing your specialisation at the end of the first year, rather than during the application process.

What’s the best thing about studying at Warwick?

Marieta: The best thing is definitely Warwick Racing and all of the other student projects. I myself am a part of Warwick Racing (Formula Student), and I was also part of Warwick Hyperloop and Engineers Without Borders Warwick. What’s so unique about these projects is that you get to know people from multiple degrees but also year-groups, and work with them on a real-life project. You also develop your leadership skills, which will help you in the workplace.

Mahbubah: Collaborating with other passionate engineers and being surrounded by so much diversity in knowledge. Most of what I learn is from just hanging around other people – from skilled technicians to enthusiastic young engineers – and constantly staying immersed in discussions and projects to help make sense of the theory.

You’re both working on the Warwick Racing project – tell us more about that.

Mahbubah: As Chief Engineer, I lead a group of student engineers as we design and build a single-seater autonomous race car, ready to compete at the Formula Student competition in Silverstone this July. We’re currently finalising the powertrain assembly while the autonomous software is developed in the background.

Marieta: I’m Team Lead for the group that’s responsible for the dynamic and static setup of the car’s suspension. With the help from our brilliant and experienced supervisor Dave Cooper, we are able to do this as it’s done in real motorsport teams.

Mahbubah: Warwick Racing continuously excites me, makes me a better engineer, and has definitely been one of the highlights of my university experience.

What one piece of advice would you give to young women looking to start a career in engineering – or even your younger self?

Mahbubah: Get involved, regardless of your experience level, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. It’s not as daunting once you get stuck in and stay passionate. Plus, if you’re passionate, other people can feel that – and they’ll be open to helping you reach your goal. It’s a much more collaborative and encouraging environment than you might think.

Marieta: Don’t be afraid to make choices that are challenging. Engineering is about pushing yourself, not being comfortable – that’s why it’s such a rewarding degree and experience. Don’t get discouraged by other people’s opinions about your skills; instead, be confident in them, even if they aren’t 100 percent.

If you enjoyed this you can hear from Assistant Professor Dr Modupe Jimoh talk about her role at Warwick and take a look at the INWED 2023 Celebration Mural to see just a few of Warwick's brilliant women in engineering.