Meet our July 2024 Wonder...
This month we're celebrating a Warwick Wonder winner who is increasing participation in maths and inspiring school-age students to consider maths in higher education.
Want to say well done? You can congratulate our winning colleague in the comments section at the bottom of the page.
Fiona Kitchen
Mathematics Institute
Fiona's role is unusual in that it spans both Professional Services and academia, and she serves both sides brilliantly. She gets involved in events and activities that go beyond her day job for the benefit of the department and the wider University.
For example, Fiona runs events at secondary schools to encourage female students to undertake Maths at a degree level. At these events, UG and PG students are employed to support Fiona and she helps develop their skills and prepare them for the workplace.
Fiona continually evaluates her work to ensure it creates value and effectively reaches her target audience. This means her events are relevant, well attended and receive positive feedback.
Fiona's nominator told us:
“She is truly exceptional; she is a well-respected member of staff throughout the department, known for her kindness, talent and work ethic.”
Stuart commented as he presented the award:
"Fiona does amazing outreach work, connecting with secondary school students taking level three mathematics courses, encouraging them to carry on with study, working really hard to share opportunities and bring people forward."
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Well done Fiona, that’s a fantastic achievement.