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Long Service Awards profile: Adrian Bishop

Name: Adrian Bishop

Job title: IT Manager

Department: Estates

Number of years at Warwick: 20

There’s no such thing as a typical day, but, in brief, my job involves...

I’m responsible for everything IT for Estates and now also elements of Warwick Accommodation. Over the years that’s involved a diverse range of duties from grubbing around under people's desks trying to work out which computer cable NOT to pull out and lose all the individual's work, all the way up to setting out and delivering Estates IT strategy and budget.

My most memorable moment at Warwick has been...

The President Clinton and Tony Blair visit. Estates were involved in the build-up and organisation of the event, and I remember two things especially. Prior to the visit, and when no-one was really supposed to know who was visiting, we had a mystery visit from two American security agents both dressed in long white coats asking me if they could see all the Arts Centre construction drawings - all very mysterious at the time. Secondly, actually watching the presidential cavalcade arrive from inside what is now Xanana’s and as the President emerged from his limo, all the spectators in the room being warned by another American security agent not to take flash photography or they might get shot by a sniper! It was all very exciting.

In my time at Warwick, the biggest change I’ve seen is...

The rapid expanse of the campus over the years and the number of buildings popping up all over the place has seen the replacement of a lot of greenery and communal areas, especially on central campus, which I think is a shame, as I feel there seem to be less and less areas for staff and students to relax outside when the weather's nice.

Warwick’s kept me here because...

Even after 20 years the challenges at Warwick still really interest me and inspire me, it's constantly evolving and expanding which has given me opportunities to get involved in projects not instantly associated with IT. The environment is also a big factor, if you don’t drag yourself out for even just a walk around campus it’s all too easy in an office job to forget what a fantastic campus it is. I do still enjoy working in what is now the size and vibrancy of a small town.

At the moment I’m really enjoying working on...

As far back as 2007 I started up a project to maintain, in an Estates software system, a record of every space around campus, what the spaces were been used for and who occupied them. Spaces including offices, labs, kitchens, corridors, lecture theatres etc. - you name it, Estates needed to know about it. It’s been interesting and very rewarding over the years to then get involved with lots of other departments and spin off projects, that have all needed that same core record of space and Estates software systems to help run their operations. The varied and challenging nature of the project is still keeping me busy today and as the campus continues to grow and grow, I see it still keeping me busy way into the future!

Warwick’s unique because...

It’s grown up so quickly and so confidently from its birth in the 1960s to now being consistently in the top 10 UK universities, somewhere American presidents want to visit and companies like Jaguar Land Rover want to work with us.

The best thing about working at Warwick is...

The people I’ve worked with, past and present, and the friendly supportive environment that Warwick provides.

My favourite place on campus is...

The area around Tocil lakes and wood is a great place for a walk.

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Adrian Bishop