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Long Service Awards profile: Anne Lakey

Name: Anne Lakey

Job title: Property Manager, Warwick Accommodation

Department: Estates

Number of years at Warwick: 40

There’s no such thing as a typical day, but, in brief, my job involves...

working with a team of Property Managers, who deal with providing students (undergraduate and postgraduate) with accommodation off campus. Our job is never the same from day to day, and is not just office based. Warwick Accommodation actively source properties in Coventry, Kenilworth and Leamington Spa and then lease these properties for a period of between one to three years at a time to our students. We liaise with the owners to ensure their properties meet our own Warwick Accommodation standards and have all the required health and safety legislation in place. We continue to liaise with the owners throughout the lease to ensure repairs are carried out and the property is ready for new tenants year by year.

The properties are advertised online to students on our website. Once the students move into these properties we visit once a term to ensure all is in order and any faults or defects are being reported and dealt with quickly and efficiently. Faults can be reported online, which is quick and convenient for our students.

I started at Warwick in 1977 as an assistant in the Printing and Stationery office, which was actually in exactly the same place where I am working today. After 5 years I moved to the Library to be an assistant to the Librarian's secretary. Two years later I progressed to be a departmental secretary in the Language Centre. I then took a change from the academic side to become a receptionist for Hospitality Services at Rootes Hall, and a year later took over the role of secretary to the Manager of Accommodation Services. In 1993 I went to the Sports Centre as secretary to the Director Michael Ralph. And finally, in 1996, I was lucky enough to be accepted as a Property Manager in the Accommodation Office.

My most memorable moment at Warwick has been...

in my first job as a stationary assistant we had a new cupboard built to house chemicals. The work was carried out by external builders just before Christmas. One of carpenters was Michael Lakey, who I locked in the cupboard till he gave me a Christmas kiss under the mistletoe! In 1980 Michael and I were married. So Warwick gave me a job, career and my husband.

In my time at Warwick, the biggest change I’ve seen is...

the size and scale of the University and how it has managed to adapt and change to become the self funding, vibrant establishment it is today. Each new building is an innovative design yet the campus still retains its overall open 'green' look.

Warwick’s kept me here because...

in every department I've worked in I have met fantastic people, many of whom are still my friends today. Warwick is also very keen on promoting further education and skills in their work force and I was able to take a part time degree in History through their flexible approach, using the Warwick Learning Account vouchers we receive towards the fees.

At the moment I’m really enjoying working on...

improving my IT skills, which are necessary to ensure I keep up with our customer base of students and owners. This job is constantly evolving as the University grows and our department helps students to enjoy the Warwick experience. We therefore have to use all the latest technology to keep up with the times. This is where the team I work with really come into their own, as they have been invaluable in helping me - or should I say dragging me - into the 21st century...

I recently went to see...

Priscilla Queen of the Desert at the Arts Centre. It was absolutely fabulous with outrageous costumes and a production worthy of the West End.

I think the campus facilities...

the cafes on campus are excellent and very versatile. They can be used to meet friends, hold informal meetings or dive in for a bite to eat. The coffee selections are excellent and give Costa great competition.

My favourite place on campus is...

our office. It's really like being part of a family. We have on campus, off campus and staff and family housing all in the same area. Students can contact us and drop in to see us. We can bounce ideas off each other to improve our services. We are now part of the Estates group and due to expansion and lack of space we will have to move soon, so I hope we will keep this unique bond that has built up over the years.

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Anne Lakey