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Long Service Awards profile: Maddie Langeveld

Name: Maddie Langeveld

Job title: Teaching and Learning Manager

Department: WMG

Number of years at Warwick: 20

There’s no such thing as a typical day, but, in brief, my job involves...

students, teachers, administration and rooms! I am responsible for the administration of the full time Master’s programmes at WMG, which enrols around 900 students (and counting) each year. I oversee a large office of people who support modules and process coursework, dissertations, and undertake the full admissions process. A significant proportion of my time is spent creating the schedule of modules for the forthcoming year, which is a huge task, involving agreeing dates with tutors and finding rooms for over 300 modules that run over the academic year. As our student numbers have grown, accommodating these modules is more of a challenge and I now also spend time sourcing rooms outside of our usual teaching areas and liaising with other programmes at WMG to make best use of space. WMG has a different teaching model to the majority of the University and implementing any changes from the ‘centre’ can often be complex and take some planning.

Prior to WMG, I worked at for 13 years, being one of the three original staff members at its launch in 1998. During that time we experienced enormous growth and change and I’m proud of my part in all that has achieved. My first role at the University in 1997 was in Personnel in Senate House, issuing offer letters. I think one of the first offer letters I put together was for another long service award recipient who I spoke to at the awards evening!

In my time at Warwick, the biggest change I’ve seen is...

the buildings... it really is amazing how many new buildings are going up. I’m so glad the University has gone a bit more glamorous with the design of the Oculus!

Warwick's kept me here because...

my roles (both at WMG and changed and evolved almost constantly. I’ve officially had around 8 different job descriptions in my time at Warwick and there are new challenges regularly which keep things interesting. I also love how paths cross with colleagues every few years, it’s always nice to catch up with someone you have worked with previously, and to find out where their career has taken them.

The best thing about working at Warwick is...

the nature and green space – to be able to stroll around the lakes on a lunchbreak is a real privilege. I love the wildlife, especially the mallard ducks who are so comical and charming. And I should mention the fantastic coffee too, I am a daily visitor to the Red Rocket!

I recently watched...

Stomp at the Arts Centre and it was amazing, so innovative, different and clever. I wasn’t expecting it to be so funny either. I took my 11 year old and she loved it too.

I usually travel to campus by...

foot. When the car parking problems got really bad a few years ago I felt as that, as I live within walking distance to campus (and so many staff don’t), that I should really give up my permit and haven’t looked back since. I walk in all weathers, and have occasionally been caught out, arriving to work soaking wet. I now keep an emergency pair of leggings in my filing cabinet!

I make use of...

the Language Centre in the past, doing beginners courses in Spanish and German. Both have been fun, and have given me enough of a grounding to get by in restaurants, which is of course the most important part of any holiday! My French could do with improvement too so that may be the next step.

My favourite place on campus is...

the street food market - I love a Budda Belly curry!

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Maddie Langeveld