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Long Service Awards profile: Mike Chappell

Name: Mike Chappell

Job title: Professor

Department: School of Engineering

Number of years at Warwick: 30 as staff and 7.5 as an undergraduate and postgraduate student.

There’s no such thing as a typical day, but, in brief, my job involves...

There is indeed no typical day, which probably makes things more interesting, but as leader of the Systems and Information (S&I) Discipline Stream within the School of Engineering a day normally involves: overseeing my research projects in Biomedical, Biological and Pharmacological Systems modelling, meeting and working with post-docs, PhD, MSc and undergraduate students working on projects in these areas under my supervision; working on new funding proposals to support my research activity, teaching engineering mathematics and biomedical systems modelling to students from 1st year undergraduates to taught MSc students; undertaking management and administrative tasks as line manager for the staff in the S&I stream, plus involvement other School management activities and committees.

My most memorable moment at Warwick has been...

There have been many memorable moments, in particular gaining all of my degrees here, but in terms of my time as a member of staff an occasion that stands out was the launch of the School of Engineering’s major research theme 'Warwick Engineering in Biomedicine', or WEB. I was a founding co-director of this research theme and the launch was a large scale event, with many local research heads, dignitaries and the then head of the EPSRC, Prof. David Delpy, invited and attending. The day was really memorable for me as everything ran smoothly, the research activities proposed were very well received and it was fantastic to instigate this research theme in a field that I am greatly passionate about.

In my time at Warwick, the biggest change I’ve seen is...

I guess the changes in infrastructure and buildings. The University has grown enormously in my time here, and continues to do so with new buildings seemingly appearing on an annual basis.

Warwick’s kept me here because...

I have always felt at home at Warwick and able to undertake the research and teaching that I have wanted to do. I guess that I have also been extremely lucky to work with fantastic groups of people here across the whole of the School of Engineering and in other departments as cross-disciplinary research and activity have always been so greatly encouraged at Warwick.

At the moment I’m really enjoying working on...

I am closely involved in the emerging research theme of Quantitative and Systems Pharmacology (QSP) which by its nature involves close collaboration with the pharmaceutical industry. This basically entails the application of mathematical modelling and systems approaches to support the design and development of new drugs in a more effective manner. I was lucky enough to be funded through the EU to undertake a large scale research project in this area with AstraZeneca with highly impactful outcomes. I am also now closely involved with an EPSRC funded UK network (QSP-UK) supporting research activity in this area and organising a week-long problem solving workshop to be held at the University in September 2017. This is an exciting time to be working in this rapidly growing field.

It would be really useful to work more closely with...

I have a number of close collaborations with colleagues based at University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire, but do feel that the distance between the two sites and the lack of an easy to use direct form of transport between campus and the hospital, avoiding parking issues at both sites, has tended to bar more extensive collaborations and joint activities.

I've only just realised that...

The Koan has temporarily been moved to Gibbet Hill to cater for the construction of a short-term outdoor stage for the Arts Centre whilst refurbishment is being undertaken there. I do hope that the Koan, a Warwick landmark, will return to its usual site.

Warwick’s unique because...

I think the ability to work with colleagues within the School of Engineering who come from all different Engineering disciplines (Warwick has one of the few such General Engineering departments in the UK), plus the ability to work with colleagues in other departments so easily, as cross-disciplinary and cross-faculty collaboration has always been so well fostered without any real barriers.

The best thing about working at Warwick is...

the people I have been able to work alongside, the students here, plus the campus itself.

If I could change one thing at the University it would be...

easier access to and exit from the University by car at peak times.

I'm really glad I got involved with...

The Institute for Advanced Studies, an excellent concept and a great group of people to work with.

I have made use of...

I recently had lunch at Scarman House with a colleague and research visitor from Spain. As always we were all extremely impressed by the food, the service and the environment at Scarman House (similarly Radcliffe House) and long may this continue.

I have certainly made use of Warwick Print here for lecturing materials, research conference posters and support for Summer Schools and Workshops that I have organised, all with excellent results.

I usually travel to campus by...

car or bus, I usually travel in two days a week at least by bus. It is surprising how much you can read on a bus journey.

My favourite place on campus is...

the walk between Gibbet Hill and main campus, especially walking through Tocil Wood, a particular favourite in April/May-time when the bluebells are in flower. The wood is one part of campus that has basically remained unchanged during the time that I have been at the University.

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Mike Chappell