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Stay informed

As the academic year gets underway, take a look at the range of ways to stay informed about what’s happening at Warwick.

Key communication channels

  • Set insite, the staff portal, as your web browser homepage to see the latest University-wide updates and news
  • Check inbox insite, the weekly all-staff email for a summary of updates, news and key events

Other ways to keep up to date

Your department

All departments have their own local means of keeping in touch on key developments, changes and opportunities to get involved – from newsletters to coffee mornings and email bulletins.

Departmental e-newsletters

Some departments share updates about what they’re doing via e-newsletters, and publish these online so you can so you can find out more about what other teams and departments are doing when it suits you. Visit the Departmental e-newsletters page to see what’s there, and to share your own department’s newsletter.

Vice-Chancellor video messages

Hear from Stuart Croft, Vice-Chancellor, on strategy, key issues and national policy and sector developments in video messages. Look out for these on insite and in inbox insite.

Vice-Provosts meetings

The Vice-Provosts (Chairs of Faculty) meet with Heads of Department in their area on a weekly basis to share updates and get feedback.

Heads of Department bulletins

The Communications team sends an email to all heads of department as needed with key news for action, information, and items coming up. Heads of Departments are welcome to share these bulletins with their teams.

Strategy Network Sessions

The Strategy Networks are two hour sessions, for in person or online attendance and open to all staff. Each of the monthly slots will cover an update on one of the strategic priorities by each area lead and include time for questions.

Please complete the form to register for the Strategy Network Sessions via Teams or in-person.

Informal catch-ups for professional services

Join Rachel Sandby-Thomas, Registrar, for an informal catch up on institutional developments and network with colleagues at professional services coffee mornings.

MyWarwick App

Download the MyWarwick App (for free from the Google Play store or the Apple App store) to receive alerts on urgent news and emergencies, check emails, view the campus map, get bus times, see a weather forecast and more.

Got some news to share?

Submit an idea through our online form or contact us at

If you'd like your content to be considered for the inbox insite staff newsletter, please give as much notice as possible, and note the deadlines.

Connect and communicate with us on social media

Facebook logoFacebook 
Like us and keep up-to-date with our most recent press stories, student lifestyle blogs, photos, videos and much more!

X/Twitter - @uniofwarwick 
Follow us and you’ll be connected in real time as our major news unfolds, and you can ask us questions too.

LinkedIn logoLinkedIn
Link up with colleagues, find out more about developments and career opportunities as well as gain an insight into the professional lives of some of our alumni.

Instagram - @uniofwarwick
Instagram logoMuch more than just pretty pictures! Take part in some of the most exciting campaigns on campus and send us your photos, videos and boomerangs of life at Warwick.

YouTube logoYouTube 
Subscribe for the best Warwick video content – from research and major campaigns to quick snapshots of life on and off campus.

Our Warwick 
Want to know what the life of a student is like at Warwick? Our student bloggers tell it like it is!

Our student communications

To keep informed about our communications to current students, see our regular newsletters and other student emails.