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Ukrainian visitors - opportunities for hosting

Warwick has already welcomed six Ukrainian visiting academics and their families, funded by Fernandes Fellowships and by Warwick. This has been organised by Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) with mentoring and academic support from academic departments: Law, Physics, WMG, Engineering, WMS and History. These new colleagues are continuing their research and scholarship here at Warwick and building collaborations across campus and beyond. We are working to help more people who have been affected by the invasion of Ukraine in the same way.

In most cases, we are using the government’s Homes for Ukraine (HfU) scheme, which relies on local individuals and families who act as a visa sponsor and provide accommodation. Several Warwick colleagues are already involved; if you or your contacts are thinking about hosting then please get in touch at See more information about the HfU scheme including details about the monthly payment (up to £350 pcm). We are also working with a local group who will help to guide the process.

Find out more about the University’s response and see details about support available.

“This has been an immensely rewarding experience, working with professional services and IAS colleagues, senior officers, departments, local families and a local charity to bring these colleagues to Warwick.”

Professor Peter Scott

Director, Institute of Advanced Study and Professor of Chemistry

Quotes from visiting Ukrainian Academics:

“Thank you very much for all the heroic work that is being done to help us. We really appreciate it and it keeps our spirits up.”

“Thank you so much for your support during this difficult time for us.”

“I am on the way! I really appreciate everything that has been done. This has made a huge difference to our lives.”

“Warmest thanks for the work and hospitality! I really appreciate everything that has been done during this difficult time. This means a lot to us.”