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We need your help to shape our cultural values

As many of you will know, we are developing a set of cultural values that will help us strengthen the environment we need so that we can all thrive at Warwick. The cultural values are being co-created with hundreds of colleagues across the University over many months.  

We now want to invite you to help shape what these cultural values mean to us in our day-to-day roles through a series of cultural value behaviours workshops.  

What are cultural value behaviours?  

Cultural values reflect the culture we all want to create and how we work together, making sure we have the right environment for us all to achieve our goals. Value behaviours are the practical application of our values, the day-to-day translation of how we do our jobs and work together across our university.  

We have a diverse community of staff and recognise that everyone will have a different experience of working at Warwick. We want everyone to have the opportunity to get involved with shaping our cultural value behaviours by sharing their views at an upcoming workshop.  

Join a workshop and get involved 

There will be a series of six workshops, each with around 20 attendees lasting up to two and a half hours.

  • Faculty of Arts: Wednesday 3 May, 1:30pm to 4pm Oculus OC0.01
  • Professional services: Thursday 11 May 1:30pm to 4pm, Faculty of Arts FAB5.03 (please note, this session is now fully booked)
  • Estates and Facilities: Tuesday 16 May, 1:30pm to 4pm, Oculus OC1.03
  • Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine: Tuesday 23 May10am to 12:30pm, Oculus OC1.02
  • Campus and Commercial Services Group (CCSG): Thursday 25 May, 1:30pm to 4pm, Oculus OC1.08
  • Faculty of Social Sciences: Wednesday 31 May, 10am to 12:30pm, Social Sciences S0.10
  • Professional services: Thursday 8 June 9:30 am to 12 noon, Faculty of Arts FAB5.01

The sessions will be led by a member of our Executive team and facilitated by Geraldine Mills, HR Director. We’ll use the outcomes from these discussions to help shape our cultural value behaviours going forward. We’ll also keep you updated on our progress.  

Having a set of shared cultural values will help create an environment where we can all succeed. Acting as a guide on how we work together and support each other, how we make work more rewarding and how we support people to focus on the things that make a real impact. Importantly values will also empower you in your role to try new things as well as challenging and improving what we already do.  

If you have any questions about our cultural values or the upcoming workshops, please email: .