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Thank you, and farewell Professor Stephen Jarvis

Professor Stephen Jarvis, Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor (Research), is to leave the University of Warwick after over twenty years.

Professor Jarvis, who previously served as Head of the Department of Computer Science between from 2014-2017, will assume the role of Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Head of College for Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Birmingham in June 2020.

Professor Kerry Kirwan, of WMG at the University of Warwick, will take over from Professor Jarvis as Trustee/Founder Director of The Alan Turing Institute.

Commenting on his departure and his time at Warwick, Professor Jarvis said:

"I have been at Warwick for over twenty years in a variety of academic and administrative roles, and have enjoyed the support of wonderful colleagues throughout that time.

Warwick has a special blend of academic excellence and warm-hearted collegiality, which I have had many opportunities to experience. I would like to thank staff and students for their encouragement and friendship.

I hope in my new role at Birmingham to continue to develop the strong links between institutions in the Midlands.”

Commenting on Professor Jarvis’ departure and contribution to Warwick Professor Pam A. Thomas, Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research at the University of Warwick, said:

“It has been a great pleasure to work with Stephen in his time as Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor and as a member of our inaugural Research Executive Committee. Stephen's Research Infrastructure and Ethics portfolio is an important part of Warwick's Research Strategy and Stephen has worked well with colleagues across the University to bring developments to fruition, notably the Technician's Commitment and the institution-wide Research Integrity training, amongst others.

We will miss Stephen at Warwick but wish him every success in his new role at Birmingham."

Further to his roles at Warwick, Stephen is a former Royal Society Industry Fellow, Director of an EPSRC Doctoral Training Centre and has been a Visiting Exchange Professor at New York University since 2017.


Professor Stephen Jarvis