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Thursday 5th March 2020 is University Mental Health Day.

University Mental Health Day is a national day devoted to mental health for people who study and work in Higher Education; bringing together the university community and highlighting the importance of mental health as a priority.

Find out more about Wellbeing Support Services for staff and the events available for staff and students.
Along with using the hashtag #UniMentalHealthDay we encourage you to download and share our #WarwickTalk digital card in case you need to talk to somebody or if you would like to tell somebody that you are here to listen.

Ways to share the #WarwickTalk card:

  • On Social Media (either on direct messages or as a story or post)
  • Through an Email
  • On your Email Signature with “I want to talk/I am here to listen”

You can download the #WarwickTalk card here:

#WarwickTalk Card

Services available for staff:

Health Assured offers cover for you and (in certain circumstances) your immediate family members, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Their services include:

  • Life support: Unlimited access to counselling for emotional problems and a pathway to structured telephone counselling or face-to-face counselling sessions (employees only) at your convenience.
  • Legal information: For any issues that cause anxiety or distress including debt management, accountancy, lawsuits, consumer disputes, property or neighbour legalities (employees only).
  • Bereavement support: Health Assured offers qualified and experienced counsellors who can help with grief and related stress plus a team of legal advisors to help with legal issues.
  • Medical information: Qualified nurses are on hand to offer advice on a range of medical or health related issues. They can’t diagnose but can offer a sympathetic ear and practical information and advice.
  • CBT online: We recognise the value of self-help tools in dealing with a range of issues, which is why we have a range of CBT self-help modules, informative factsheets and invaluable advice videos from leading qualified counsellors.
Health Assured:
Username: University
Password: Warwick
Tel: 0800 030 5182