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Peter Blegvad wins Sony Award

Peter Blegvad, English and Creative Writing professor, has won a Silver Sony Radio Academy Award for Best Drama with his radiophonic play ‘Use It Or Lose It’.

Written and narrated for BBC Radio 3, 'Use It Or Lose It' details the failing of one man’s mind. The play , co-created by Iain Chambers, comprises of narrated fiction, radiophonic music and sound design to take us inside the protagonist’s mind. Peter Blegvad describes it as, “an insight into what it’s like to feel your memory slipping away.”

Peter Blegvad is an American musician, songwriter and cartoonist. He is also the lead creative writing academic for IGGY, the International Gateway For Gifted Youth; a global online network for gifted teenagers based at Warwick. Peter has produced the INKUBATOR - IGGY's online Creative Writing course which is a series of interactive video workshops, activities and discussions for IGGY members. He has also been Course Leader for Creative Writing at four of our IGGY U events.

The Sony Radio Academy Awards are prestigious awards that acknowledge the very best output on both the commercial and BBC radio stations across the UK. This year's judging panel included industry professionals and radio critics, each a specialist in their own field.

The judges said:

In awarding the Silver to this production, the drama panel was very impressed by the narrative structure and the way the sound employed played as much a part as the dialogue in telling this moving story of the loss of intellectual and sensory faculties. We thought it was a beautifully conceived idea, wonderfully executed.

Peter Blegvad