Gillian Sumner - Retirement
Gillian Sumner from the Collection Management Department in the Library, retired recently having completed just short of 40 years' service with the University. She started work in August 1966 as a clerical assistant in the Processing Office when the Library was based at Gibbet Hill and has seen four Vice-Chancellors come and go during that time.
Gillian has always worked in the Library in a number of roles including as Supervisor in the Processing Office and on the cataloguing of the extensive Gillian Rose Collection.
In July 2003, she was invited to attend the Queen’s Garden Party at Buckingham Palace as one of the University representatives because of her long service.
At her leaving party, Gillian was awarded with a digital camera, gardening vouchers and flowers. She said: "When I started here in 1966, I never dreamt I’d be here 40 years on. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time at the University, working with some wonderful people and making lifelong friends."