Professor Valery Nakariakov Elected President of ESPD
Professor Valery Nakariakov, Department of Physics, has been elected President of the European Solar Physics Division (ESPD) of the European Physical Society.
ESPD represents European scientists specialising in the physics of the Sun and the heliosphere, solar-terrestrial connections and space weather. Its membership exceeds 500 active researchers throughout Europe.
This election clearly reflects the highest international standing of Warwick's solar physics research, which covers mainly the study of the uppermost, fully-ionised and magnetically-dominated level of the solar atmosphere, the corona, where the space weather is shaped. Warwick's research activities in the field include theoretical and numerical modelling, and analysis of data obtained with ESA, NASA, and Russian and Chinese spaceborne and ground-based observational facilities, mainly in the extreme EV, X-ray and radio bands.