Why do we ask you to pay annual subs?
So this is a question we get asked quite a lot and I believe it's a perfectly reasonable one and deserves a detailed response.
Let me do you a bit of an FAQ on this topic to fill you guys in nicely:
Before I start let me provide some clarity, ITS CC is a separate entity from our sister club Massey Ferguson Cricket Club (Formerly the University of Warwick Staff and Graduate Cricket Club before the merger in late 2018) and thus any subs paid to ITS CC do not go to them and conversely any subs paid to them do not come to us.
We are partners that help to facilitate as many opportunities for playing cricket as possible in the local region.
We tend to provide the T20 offering, they cover the 50 to 40 overs stuff.
Does Warwick Sport not provide any central funding? - No, it doesn't (They provide the pitches and look after the grounds and supporting equipment, plus they facilitate the Rock Up and Play sessions and the Warwick IPL, for the 2019 season they have also supplied the match balls for the Warwick IPL)
How much does the InterDept (Warwick IPL) League membership cost the club? - £125 per Annum
How much does the Phoenix Cup (Charity Cricket) membership cost the club? - £250 per Annum
What does the end of season Trophies bill look like? - £100 per Annum
How much do we spend on bats each year? - £350 in a typical year for two bats plus extra grips, scuff sheets, tape and the knocking in process
How much do we spend on gloves, pads, helmets, thigh guards, umpires clickers, bags, abdo guards and other such fancy stuff? £125 last year (We started to use up equipment that had been pooled up from previous seasons)
How much did we spend on balls last year? - £550 to £600 (The cheapest balls are £8.95 for T20 and range up to £12.99 and even £15.99 each for 40 overs plus)
How much did you spend on the indoor bowling machine last year? - £900 (new stand(s) and lots of new red, yellow and orange balls and dedicated ball bags, plus a battery for mobile use and an associated charger)
How much did you spend on ground equipment last year? - £350 (New portable scoreboards and 6 sets of swing stumps, more cable ties than you can shake a stick at, oh and a bin!)
Do you support any other sides and any other facilities? - Yes we do and will continue to. We have over the last 3 years donated countless amounts of equipment to our colleagues in different teams within the University, the Staff and Grad CC, Stoneleigh CC and also donated into the Roadside and Lakeside huts to try to improve the standard of play, boost inclusiveness and aid safety.
So that adds up to:£2800
Don't we get sponsorship I hear you cry? Yes we do, here are the details shown below:
- IT Services - £650 (Cost centre not cash)
- warwickprint - £500 (Cost centre not cash)
- XMA Ltd - £1000 (Cost centre not cash)
Which amounts to £2150
Leaving us £650 short, this was offset by £250 from last years subs payments and donations, the shortfall was absorbed by your committee from private personal funds.
This, as you can appreciate, is unsustainable. Cricket is an expensive sport and we continue to invest heavily in it for the enjoyment of all now and in the future.
Which leads us back to the beginning again, we ask for subs to ensure we are financially viable on an ongoing basis, can continue to provide superb sporting facilities, excellent equipment, crazily good value for money and the levels of organisation and efficiency that you expect of us.
Sounds great, but what do I actually get personally?
- All Warwick Interdepartmental Cricket (WIPL) Fixtures
- All Phoenix Cup fixtures
- All friendly matches which do not include a pitch hire fee, historical varsity games vs Coventry University staff and Warwick Nomads
- High-quality team equipment in our club kit bag for games and training sessions
Your continued support is appreciated.
Any questions, you know where I am.
All the best,.
Chris Wood
Team Captain and Acting Treasurer