Europe: News and Commentary
La Stampa: A week of study on Occitan history and culture has started
Italian newspaper. Linda Paterson, Professor Emeritus at the University of Warwick, UK, founded her research on the literature and social and cultural history of the Occitan Middle Ages. See also Expartibus (Italian); Il Torinese (Italian); Corriere (Italian)
Sky Italy: COVID latest news
Italian news. About a third of British citizens are 'discovered' against Covid-19: about 27% (15 million people) have had it, almost half of citizens have had both doses of the vaccine. Others are at risk from the Delta variant, Matt Keeling, a professor of populations and diseases at the University of Warwick, told The Guardian.
Wiadomosci: AstraZeneca and the Delta variant, new findings by scientists
Polish news. Researchers from the University of Warwick say that 18 percent of those vaccinated with AstraZeneca will develop COVID-19, out of those who have received a different vaccine, this will be 17 percent.
Info Salus: Achilles tendinopathy research breakthrough
Spanish health news. The study's lead author, Professor Rebecca Kearney of the Warwick Clinical Trials Unit at the University of Warwick, notes that "the only reason to treat tendinopathy is if the patient experiences pain, as the condition does not cause pain in all cases. The important thing for patients is that they want a reduction in pain, to be able to do the activities that they could do before.
Panorama: new rules for slower autonomous vehicles
Italian news. A group of experts from WMG at the University of Warwick has published the first international safety standard for autonomous vehicles that go at low speeds (such as pods).
Info Barcelona: scientist claims that a third of the population of England is still "susceptible to the Delta variant"
Spanish/Catalonian news. Professor Matt Keeling of the University of Warwick estimates that there will be 15.3 million symptomatic and asymptomatic infections in the country by July 19, when the government has confirmed that they will lift restrictions on social contact. This figure will mean that 27.4% of the population of England will have been infected and, therefore, will have natural immunity, leaving the rest vaccinated or unvaccinated.
Goteburgs-Posten: More parking spaces for electric scooters increase traffic safety
Swedish news. "In England, Voi, in collaboration with the Royal National Institute of Blind People, for example, has developed specially adapted parking solutions for both sidewalks and car parks. Together with the University of Warwick, we are also conducting test studies on artificial warning sound for electric scooters so that the visually impaired can hear them coming."
ORF: Conflicting messages from the UK government
Austrian news. "I think it's pretty confusing to people what is right now," said infectious disease expert Mike Tildesley of Warwick University on BBC television today. He hopes enough people weigh the risks themselves so that there is not a sharp increase in infections. See also FAZ (German); Der Tagesspiegel (German); Schwaebische (German); Berliner Morgenpost (German); n-tv (German)
IDW: On the way to the supernova - teardrop-shaped star system reveals its fate
German news. "The international team of astronomers and astrophysicists, led by Dr. Ingrid Pelisoli at the University of Warwick, discovered a rare binary star system heading for a supernova. The system's tragic teardrop shape is caused by a massive white dwarf nearby, which is distorting the other star with its intense gravity, which will also be the catalyst for an eventual supernova.” See also Wissenschaft (German); Komputer (Polish); Sciences et Avenir (French); Notize Scientifiche (Italian); Yandex (Russian); Forbes (Kazakhstan); In Space (Russian); ML Actu (French); Chip (Polish); MTV Uutiset (Finnish); Nach Welt (German); OSEL (Czech); InFranken (German); Media INAF (Italian); EOS Wetenschap (Dutch); Beigowelove (Polish); Innovations Report (German); Noticias de la Sciencia (Spanish); Fontech (Slovak); Coelum (Italian); Pro-Physik (German); La Verdad (Spanish); Science Post (French)
Focus: Covid in the UK
Italian news. "According to the University of Warwick models, which take into account the rate of spread of the virus, vaccinations and the effect of vaccines, hospitalizations in England alone could reach 1300 per day between the end of July and the beginning of August."