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With the passing of Omar Sharif, one of the quintessential masculine stars of the 1960s, has now gone - Stella Bruzzi FBA Professor of Film and Television Studies

"With the passing of Omar Sharif, one of the quintessential masculine stars of the 1960s, has now gone. In a very different mould to say Connery as James Bond, Sharif encapsulated the masculinity of the exotic: dark, mysterious, with watery come-to-bed eyes and definitely dangerous to know. In Lawrence of Arabia, he was pitted against another of cinema's masculine archetypes - the pent up, dashing British gentleman in Peter O'Toole in the title role." - Says Professor Stella Bruzzi

Fri 10 Jul 2015, 16:09 | Tags: Film & Television, Arts


In his latest blog post José Arroyo, Film and Television Studies, reviews Pablo Berger's 'Blancanieves': There are some truly lovely moments: Angelina Molina dancing with her grand-daughter, Maribel Verdú trying on Art Nouveau gowns, the bit where Macarena García is carried out of the bullring, the final tear. It is a re-telling of Snow White through clichés of Spanishness...

Mon 19 Aug 2013, 16:59 | Tags: Film & Television

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