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Economy grows by 15.5%: Economist Professor Ahbinay Muthoo comments

New figures from the Office of National Statistics show that the UK grew 15.5% between July and September this year. Professor Abhinay Muthoo from the University of Warwick Department of Economics reflects on what this means for the economy from here, as the impact of the second lockdown is felt.

Thu 12 Nov 2020, 12:14 | Tags: Economics, Research

EU Council summit: expert comment from Professor Abhinay Muthoo

The European Council is holding a summit from 15-16 October, at the same time as the Prime Minister's deadline for a post-Brexit trade deal. Professor Abhinay Muthoo of the Department of Economics expects that the trade negotiations will be on the agenda, but comments that a deal is still unlikely to be struck until later due to the 'deadline effect' of negotiations.

Thu 15 Oct 2020, 15:07 | Tags: Economics, Brexit

European Union begins legal proceedings over UK's Internal Markets Bill: expert comment

With reports that European Union has begun legal proceedings against the UK over the Internal Markets Bill, Professor Abhinay Muthoo of the University of Warwick Department of Economics has commented on the impact this is likely to have on the ongoing trade talks as they approach their deadline.

Thu 01 Oct 2020, 14:51 | Tags: Economics, Brexit, Research

Economic downturn is less severe than expected: expert comment

As the Bank of England reports that the downturn in the UK economy is less severe than expected, but is likely to take longer to recover, Professor Abhinay Muthoo of the Department of Economics comments that this is positive news, but it still leaves a lot of room for uncertainty.

Thu 06 Aug 2020, 11:58 | Tags: Economics, Research

UK government's planning for the economic impact of Covid-19 criticised: expert comment

Professor Abhinay Muthoo from the University of Warwick Department of Economics comments on criticism from the Commons Public Accounts Committee of the UK government's planning for the economic impact of Covid-19.

Thu 23 Jul 2020, 13:47 | Tags: Economics, Research

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