Evictions rocket as welfare reforms and rising property prices hit home
Professor Andrew Oswald from the School of Economics shares his thoughts about the number of tenants being evicted from their homes in England and Wales hitting record levels.
"Everyone would feel a real compassion for those in danger of eviction. But economic history all over the world teaches us that it is a huge mistake to become too harsh on landlords.
"Allowing landlords to have plenty of rights sounds horrible in the short run but is absolutely vital to a country's efficiency and happiness in the long run. Otherwise the supply of rental properties simply disappears and things are then far far worse".
Professor Andrew Oswald
School of Economics
Note to Editors:
Issued by Melissa Holloway, Assistant Press Officer, Press and Policy Office, The University of Warwick. Tel: +44 (0)2476 575 601, Email: Melissa.Holloway@warwick.ac.uk
December 3, 2014
Further Information:
Melissa Holloway, Assistant Press Officer, Press and Policy Office, The University of Warwick. Tel: +44 (0)2476 575 601, Email: Melissa.Holloway@warwick.ac.uk