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Secrets of the Projection Box to be revealed at Flatpack Film Festival

As film reels have made way for digital files, cinema craft has changed. Researchers from the University of Warwick, working with photographer Richard Nicholson are giving members of the public privileged access to a realm most cinema-goers never venture, the projection box.

Thu 07 Apr 2016, 11:10 | Tags: Arts, Film and television, Exhibition, Art, Film

David Morley wins the Ted Hughes Award for his latest book of poems, ‘The Invisible Gift’

David Morley’s selected Poems, The Invisible Gift (Carcanet) has been chosen as the latest winner of The Poetry Society’s prestigious prize, the Ted Hughes Award for 2015.

Mon 04 Apr 2016, 10:43 | Tags: Arts, Awards, Poetry, English

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