Latest News
Doctors gender a factor in the diagnosis of coronary heart disease
Eco One Car in the Community
An environmentally friendly eco-car made from vegetables and designed by students at the University of Warwick has been on tour around Coventry and Warwickshire.
Its first public outing was at the Eden Project in April, but since then Eco One has been on the road meeting school pupils, business leaders and Coventry Ambassadors. Its next stop is a meeting of industry leaders and academics in Birmingham and it will then enjoy a day out at the Royal Show at Stoneleigh in July.
Celebrity Journalist Philip Ball to visit Warwick
Celebrity Journalist Philip Ball to visit Warwick
Call for Nominations - Royal Society Scientific Meeting
Now showing on Research - TV: Polymers to Go.
National Science Week Ig Nobels UK Tour 2004
To celebrate National Science Week (beginning Friday 12th March), The Times Higher Education Supplement in partnership with the BA (the British Association for the Advancement of Science) presents The Ig Nobels UK Tour 2004.
Regional Update - Health & Medicine
Department of Chemistry - QAA Developmental Engagement
Fake Plastic Trees
101 Things to do with a Pumpkin (and other Chemical Adventures)
£5 Million Award for Pioneering Project to Train New Breed of Scientists
Warwick University has been awarded £5 Million for a new Life-Sciences Doctoral Training Centre which will educate a new breed of scientists.