Warwick launches on YouTube EDU
The University of Warwick is building on its success with Warwick on iTunesU by launching a new YouTube presence as part of YouTube's higher education initiative www.youtube.com/edu.
YouTube is the world's most popular online video site with millions of videos available for free access and this new service from YouTube brings together video content from universities around the world.
The University is launching the site with an exclusive filmed debate about Shakespeare's Sonnets. Professor Jonathan Bate, University of Warwick, and Professor Stanley Wells, Chairman of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust explore the content and history of the works with Paul Edmondson, Head of Learning at the SBT.
Warwick will be publishing a range of materials to the site, including many of the films and lectures already available via the iTunesU service. The University will also be providing access to careers information, interviews with alumni and content produced by our student community.