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University of Warwick Academics Elected Fellows of the Academy of Social Sciences

Two leading social scientists from The University of Warwick have been elected as Fellows of the prestigious Academy of Social Sciences.

The newly elected Fellows are Professor Ana Aliverti and Professor Sascha Becker, both of whom have demonstrated a strong commitment to advancing social science knowledge and practice.

Their election highlights the university’s ongoing commitment to advancing social science research and its impact on understanding and addressing societal challenges.

Professor Ana Aliverti has been acknowledged for her influential work in border criminology and socio-legal studies. Her research, including her book Crimes of Mobility and her ethnographic study Policing the Borders Within, provides profound insights into the intersection of law, citizenship, and policing.

Professor Aliverti commented on her appointment: “I am honoured to be appointed as a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences. It is a huge privilege to join the Academy to continue to foster the excellence, relevance, vitality, and inclusivity of socio-legal studies in the UK and beyond.”

Professor Sascha Becker has been recognised for his outstanding contributions to labour economics, political economy, and economic history. His recent work has explored critical issues such as forced migration, genocides, and the legacy of the Hapsburg Empire.

Professor Becker, who recently returned to Warwick after serving as the Xiaokai Yang Chair of Business and Economics at Monash University, Melbourne, expressed his gratitude for the recognition: “I feel honoured to be named a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences.

“I would like to pass on thanks to the colleagues who nominated me and the Fellows who elected me into the Academy. Social sciences are key to understanding the past, present, and future of our societies, and the Academy champions the vital role social sciences play in education, government, and business.”

The Academy of Social Sciences welcomes 45 new Fellows this autumn, recognising their excellence and significant contributions to social science research for public benefit.

Will Hutton FAcSS, President of the Academy, said: “It’s a pleasure to welcome these 45 leading social scientists to the Academy’s Fellowship.

“Their substantial contributions to social science and wider society have furthered our understanding of the social and environmental factors related to population health, changing cultures of inequality, children and young people’s experiences of gaming and gambling, the importance of diversity and inclusion in organisations, and how businesses can contribute to the sustainable development goals, amongst many others. We look forward to working with them to further promote the important role the social sciences play in our daily lives.”

The University of Warwick continues to be at the forefront of social science research, tackling critical issues such as inequality, economic development, and social policy, further cementing its place as a leader in the field.