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Shocking New Report Reveals UK's Art Sector on the Brink of Collapse

A new report from The University of Warwick and the Campaign for the Arts has unveiled a crisis in the UK's art sector.

Standing Ovations: Researcher explores Best of British comedy legends immortalised in sculpture.

As social media buzzes with debates over the diminutive dimensions of ancient Greek statues' private parts, Dr David Wright from the University of Warwick's Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies dives into a more British sculpture exploration: the world of British comedy immortalised in sculpture.

Film and TV production worsens climate crisis

Streaming giants are making TV production worse for the environment than ever before according to new research into the environmental impact of film and television production from the University of Warwick and the University of Cambridge. One Hollywood film creates around 3,000 tonnes of carbon, the equivalent of driving around the world almost 300 times.