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Midlands universities receive research awards to encourage collaboration and excellence in arts and humanities

The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) has announced that The University of Warwick along with six other higher education institutions (HEIs) in the Midlands, will receive Doctoral Landscape Awards.

The University of Warwick restore and unveil unique historical Venetian parchment

Researchers at The University of Warwick’s Warwick Venice Centre have restored a significant historical document that has been lost for more than 70 years.

University of Warwick Professor discovers earliest missing Alistair Cooke ‘Letter from America’ episodes

University of Warwick professor has found three missing ‘Letter from America’ episodes including two of the earliest episodes ever recorded.

The turkey take-over - how the turkey stole Christmas

It’s hard to imagine Christmas dinner without Turkey. A University of Warwick food historian has explored its history and how it took over as the traditional Christmas dinner.

New Report Highlights Urgent Need for Sustainable Practices in European Film and TV Industry

A new report, Greening European Film Policy: Towards a Sustainable European Film and Television Industry, has been released, emphasising the critical role of collaboration between academics, industry leaders, and policymakers in addressing the environmental impact of Europe’s film and television sectors.

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