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Professor Christine Ennew Appointed as the next Provost of the University of Warwick

Professor Christine Ennew  University of WarwickLink opens in a new windowThe University of Warwick’s Council has announced today, Monday the 16th of November, that it has appointed Professor Christine Ennew as Warwick’s next Provost. She currently serves as Provost and Chief Executive Officer of University of Nottingham’s Malaysia Campus, and also as a Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Professor of Marketing at the University of Nottingham.

She will take up the role in August 2016 succeeding Warwick’s current Provost Professor Stuart Croft as he will take up his new appointment as Vice-Chancellor of Warwick in February 2016. Professor Tim Jones, Warwick’s Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Science, Engineering & Medicine, has agreed to serve as Warwick’s acting Provost for the period between February and August 2016.

As Provost, Professor Ennew will support the new Vice Chancellor in the academic leadership of the University. A key aspect of her role will be to lead on the development and delivery of the University’s Academic Strategy ensuring that the University delivers the goals of that strategy and that those goals remain relevant and competitive. She will also chair the Committee responsible for oversight of academic developments and resources.

Professor Ennew began her academic career as an agricultural economist at the University of Newcastle upon-Tyne in 1985. She then moved to the academic discipline of Marketing at University of Nottingham rising there to become a Professor of Marketing. She also held visiting academic appointments at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania and the Indian Institute of Management in Calcutta.

While remaining an active researcher her career has also encompassed a number of significant academic leadership roles including: Deputy Director of Nottingham’s Business School (1998-2000); Director, Division of Business and Management, University of Nottingham in Malaysia (May 2000 to October 2001); and Director of the Christel DeHaan Tourism and Travel Research Institute at the University of Nottingham (December 2001 to January 2005).

This was followed by leadership roles across two faculties at Nottingham : Dean Of Nottingham’s Faculty of Law and Social Sciences (July 2004 to September 2007); and Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Internationalisation and the Faculty of Science (January 2008 to December 2012). Since January 2013 she has served as Provost and Chief Executive Officer of Nottingham’s Malaysia Campus, while also holding the roles of Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Professor of Marketing.

Her tasks at Nottingham included the development and implementation of an institution-wide Internationalisation strategy including a more strategic approach to partnership development. This included her role in Nottingham’s Malaysia campus and major initiatives in Indonesia, India, Nigeria and Brazil.

Professor Christine Ennew said:

“My service has included academic leadership roles covering both science and social science faculties at Nottingham. I am currently responsible for the operation of a significant broad spectrum overseas campus where staff and students study and research across the arts, sciences and social sciences. I am delighted to have been asked to bring that experience to Warwick to play a key role in supporting and the developing the full academic life of one the UK’s leading universities.”

Sir George Cox, Pro-Chancellor and Chair of Council said:

“I am delighted that we have secured Professor Christine Ennew as our new Provost, selected from a very strong short-list after a world-wide search. Amongst the many attributes that Professor Ennew brings, her international experience will be of huge value as Warwick pursues its ambitious plans for greater global reach.”

For further information please contact:

Peter Dunn, Director of Press and Policy, University of Warwick Tel UK: 024 76523708 office 07767 655860 mobile Tel Overseas: +44 (0)24 76523708 office +44 (0)7767 655860 mobile/cell Email:

PR550 PJD 16th November 2015