Warwick Monash partnership wins major grant from EPSRC Global Engagements programme
Warwick’s partnership with Monash has just won a grant worth just over half a million UK pounds overall from the UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Building Global Engagements programme.
The award will help build strong collaborative partnerships between the Warwick and Monash academic communities in areas of research strength and strategic priority for both Universities. Six core themes have been identified for initial development - sustainable chemistry, solar energy, innovative manufacturing, data management and high performance computing, materials and analytical science, and polymer science.
Warwick’s Vice-Chancellor Professor Nigel Thrift said:
“The activities that this EPSRC grant will support and form an integral part of the wider range of investments planned under the broader Warwick and Monash strategic alliance. The EPSRC funding will help us take this alliance to the next level, establishing even more extensive research links both in terms of breadth and depth, than would otherwise be possible.”
Vice-Chancellor of Monash, Professor Ed Byrne said the grant was an endorsement of the possibilities of the alliance. He said:
"One of the factors in choosing to partner with Warwick was the complementary nature of our research aspirations and programs."
"By combining the expertise of academics at both universities we will progress research in critical areas far beyond what each institution could achieve alone."
The EPSRC funding will also assist both universities to identify young research "stars" to provide a stream of talented individuals whose careers would benefit from overseas experience at the other partner. The partners will also explore how to further internationalise doctoral training programmes, and provide more access for academic communities at both Universities to new networks and connectivity to other organizations both in the UK, Australia and elsewhere.
For further information please contact:
Peter Dunn, email: p.j.dunn@warwick.ac.uk
Head of Communications, Communications Office, University House,
University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 8UW, United Kingdom
UK Tel: 024 76 523708 Mobile 07767 655860
International +44 24 76 523708 Mobile +44 7767 655860
Stacey Mair, Associate Director, Media and Communications
Monash University
Telephone +61 3 9903 4840
Email: media@monash.edu
PR67 PJD 18th April 2012