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Other Makefile techniques

Building C files

This is very similar to C++ files

Standard definitions

Addtional definitiions are required for C files

# Standard rules and flags
CC = gcc


Setting the build rules

And a new build rule is required

$(BUILD)/%.o : %.c Makefile
$(CC) -c $(CCALLFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -o $@ $<

Including all files in a subdirectory

The following will create a list of all .cpp files in a directory, in this case cisGenomeLib. Useful if you want all of the files, and the Makefile to automatically adjust for the inclusion of any additional files.

LIBSRCDIR = cisGenomeLib

LIBSRC = $(shell find $(LIBSRCDIR) -name *.cpp)

Adding a path to a file list

The following will add a common prefix to a list of files. Useful if you want a lengthy subset of files from a subdirectory


LIBSRCFILES = AffyLib.c GenomeLib.c MathLib.c MatrixLib.c MicroarrayLib.c MotifLib.c RandomLib.c \
SequenceLib.c StringLib.c PhysicalNetworkLib.c WorkLib.c FlexModuleInterface.c


Making a static library

A static library is essentially a tar file containg a set of object files. Two changes are required in order to build a static library

Specify the build outputs

The following specifys the .a library file, assuming that cygwin is being used

# Outputs of this Makefile

LIBCISGENOME = $(BUILD)/libcisGenome.a


The target definitions

These are typically much simpler for a static library as there is typically no linking to other libraries at this stage

ar -r $@ $(LIBOBJS)