Asylum Research MFP3D-SA
The Asylum Research MFP3D-SA is a very versatile atomic force microscope, suitable for use with a wide range of samples and features a vast array of modes.
It has a z-range of 40 um (extended head model) and an x and y movement of up to 90 um in a closed loop scan. The microscope differs from most others available on the market due to using seperate piezos for each plane. This allows for the use of nano-position sensors, minimising hysterisis and creep, whilst also ensuring flat scans.
The MFP-3D is able to image conductive, semiconductive and insulating samples in both air and liquid environments. The head can be adjusted to fit a wide range of sample sizes and both top down and bottom up illumination of samples is possible.
A heating stage (30 to 250 Celsius) is also available for use with the MFP3D, with the ability to image under a constant flow of N2.
Reference Publications
1 M. S. Skilbeck et al. Nanotechnology, 2014, 25, 335708
2 A. J. Marsden et al. Nanotechnology, 2013, 24, 255704
Capabilities (modes)
- Alternate contact, AC (tapping)
- Contact mode
- Conductive AFM (C-AFM)
- Kelvin probe microscopy (SKPM)
- Electrostatic force microscopy(EFM)
- Dual AC
- Force mapping
- Nano-indentation