The Zeiss SUPRA 55-VP is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with a field emission electron gun (FEG). This is the brightest type of electron source and gives the highest beam current and resolution capability.
The SUPRA is able to handle a wide variety of samples, from the conducting and semiconducting materials, to large, beam sensitive or non-conducting samples. It has a resolution of 1-4nm and secondary electron, backscattered and in-lens imaging modes. It can work at accelerating volutages from 100V to 30kV. Measurements can also be taken under a variable pressure.
The system has an Oxford Intstruments energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectrometer that allows elemental composition analysis with a detection limit of approx. 0.5 at.%.
A Gatan MonoCL3 Cathodoluminescence system is mounted, capable of creating spectra and maps for wavelengths ranging from 200nm-1000nm (PMT detector), and 1000nm to 1700nm (InGaAs detector).