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Microscopy data servers

Note that access to the EM-RTP data servers is governed by the EM-RTP data policy

The computers attached to the TEMs, SEMs, AFMs, the FIB and the optical microscope allow data upload to one of 4 servers. These are visible on the microscope's data capture PC as a network folder in 'My Computer'. The USB ports have been disabled to limit the proliferation of viruses etc. You can access these servers from your desktop or laptop computer, on or off campus (Warwick login required). There are three steps.

1) Upload your data from the microscope PC to the network drive.

2) You need permission to be able to access the server from your own PC. Steve York or Steve Hindmarsh can add you to the list of approved users. Please state which microscopes you require data from. You will only have READ access to prevent accidental deletion/alteration of data.

3) On your desktop or laptop computer you need to map a network drive to the server in question.

The network drives you can map to are:


You can also map to \\\shared\Shared305 to see all four folders.

Your login details are normal IT services login except you must precede your username with "ads\"


Username: ads\phsTEST
Password: ********

How you map a network drive will depend on which OS you have. For Windows machines, right click on My Computer and choose "Map Network Drive".

One of the most convenient ways to access the servers is to use the Webdav client for MyFiles available to downloadLink opens in a new window from IT services, which you can configure to access the server (M-Drive) automatically when you start your computer.

If you have any issues logging in to a server first log out of windows and back in, which will clear any connections you may have. Contact Steve Hindmarsh for support.