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Recent Courses

This page lists some recent training examples provided by Warwick's Scientific Computing RSEs with summaries, links to materials etc

Scientific Software Development

  • Parallel Programming
    • A series of segments over 2 days discussing parallel programming from basic principles through to technologies such as MPI, OpenMP and threading. A slide deck for the Introductory section is here
  • Effective Scientific C++
    • A one-day course covering features of C++ past the basics, such as features of the STL, templating and debugging. Course materials here

Introductory Programming

  • Zero to Python

    • A 1-day workshop taking researchers from their first steps in Python through to being able to write simple code. Delivered via Noteable.
  • Intermediate Python
    • A 1 day workshop following zero to python, deepening understanding of how python works and the data structures that are essential to good python code. Delivered via Notable.
  • A tour of Fortran
    • A half-day workshop showing the basics of Fortran code
  • A tour of C++
    • A half-day workshop getting started on C++ for those who know another language. Materials here and a video stream here

Specialised Courses

  • CUDA
    • We deliver Nvidia certified courses in CUDA programming in Python and C including Multi-GPU
  • Effective IO on Cluster Systems
    • A dedicated course aimed at users of the Sulis Tier-2 service but available to all, discussing IO strategies and issues, efficient file transfer, and other problems arising from codes which use many small files or frequent file access patterns